Dissidents Oppose John Paul's Beatification

Rome, Dec. 06 (CWNews.com) - A group of dissident Catholics has organized public opposition to the quick beatification of Pope John Paul II.

Eleven theologians and one journalist from Europe and Latin American have joined in a statement entitled "The beatification of John-Paul II: appeal for clarity." In their statement, they list what they consider seven "negative" aspects of the late Pontiff's life, and encourage other Catholics to testify against his beatification.

My questions are: "Who are these dissident Catholics? Are they even Catholics -- or just people who are calling themselves Catholics? Are they a politically motivated group? What are their real motives in testifying against his beatification?


  1. It is sad and it is a terrible disease of the soul. It's no wonder Mary keeps appearing different places, shedding tears and urging people to fast and repent.

    God bless you,


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