Your Comments Are Appreciated

Created by Paper Napkin to encourage readers who are too shy to leave a comment to speak up, De-Lurker Day has been extended to an entire week. That way everyone has a chance to work up the courage to speak up.So c'mon. Just leave me a line or so. How long have you been reading my blog? Or what is your favorite book, movie, or TV show? Or what is the weather like today where you are? Who are some of your favorite saints? What do you enjoy most about this blog? What's your favorite song? I'm not picky. I will repost this daily so it is always near the top of my blog this week.

God Bless you!


  1. Okay, so technically I'm not a lurker, but I couldn't resist :)

    God Bless.

  2. You are a blessing and I love having you visit. Thanks for the comment.

    God bless you,

  3. Howdy! Just thought I would add my comment. I do lurk here; I just don't comment because I don't like having to randomly register for stuff on the net. How did I get here? I think via either Happy Catholic or De Civitate Dei.

    Anyway, keep up the good work!
    - Bridget

  4. Congratulations for your good job.
    Father Georges Toussaint.

  5. Welccome, Bridget! Thank you for your comment.

    Father Georges Toussaint,
    Thank you for the compliment. I am so pleased you read my blog and am happy to receive your comment.

    God bless you both!


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