The Most Interesting Feature Article of the Day

What It Takes to Be a Writer by Mary Kochan, Senior Editor of Catholic Exchange, contains some interesting tips and insights.

I particularly liked this observation:

Of course, if your goal is to become specifically a Catholic writer, then a solid education in your faith is needed and so is living your faith. The point of being a Catholic writer is not necessarily to write things that are identifiably Catholic, but to bring our sacramental understanding of the world to your writing, to do all things for the glory of God, and to be grounded in your commitment to the truth about things.

Before I became Catholic — while I was still quite anti-Catholic actually — I made a peculiar observation. It seemed that almost every time I read something and found intelligence just shining from the page, I would find out that it was written by a Catholic. This even bugged me a little because it flew in the face of my prejudices about the Catholic faith. Just doing a thing well can be a witness in itself.


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