ACOG Tells Women to Get Morning-After Pill Prescriptions in Advance

Physicians’ association perpetuates risky sexual ideology.

In the wake of the Food and Drug Administration’s decision not to sell Plan B (the morning-after pill) over the counter, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) is
advising women to get prescriptions for the emergency contraception before a possible unwanted pregnancy. The pill, claims the group of gynecologists, is the perfect solution to condom failure, forgetting to take one’s usual contraception, and rape.

ACOG’s lack of confidence in condoms and a woman’s capacity to remember is interesting in light of the widespread confidence among health and reproductive rights groups that condoms and contraception are the best solution to curbing STDs and preventing unintended pregnancies.

Contradictory messages aside, when will these groups face the reality that treating people like animals who copulate mindlessly is not the most effective way to control STDs and reduce the number of unwanted babies?

For example, condoms have a 15 percent failure rate, prevent the spread of only about one-fifth of the more than 25 currently identified sexually transmitted diseases, and the outpouring of contraceptive devices over the past two decades has clearly increased rather than controlled reckless sexual behavior. These same groups that masquerade as the objective servants of science and medicine will not give an inch of credit to abstinence education, despite its past and current success in getting to the root of the problem of reckless sexual behavior: not waiting until marriage.

ACOG’s underlying ideology that sex is a recreation activity, free from responsibility, becomes clear when it makes recommendations like this one, advising women to stock up on emergency contraception in case sex leads to the natural consequence of human life.

More information on the morning-after pill.

Via Concerned Women for America.


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