Q&A: How to Prevent Pregnancy for Unwed Teens

May is National Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month, but backers are not teaching the best path.

(www.family.org) Planned Parenthood wants to leverage National Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month (NTPPM) to generate more business. The group is disseminating information on how to get and properly use condoms and where to go for an abortion. But the healthy message of abstinence is left on the back burner."For more than 30 years we've advocated for policies intended to reduce teen pregnancy through prevention and open communication," Planned Parenthood's Mar Monte writes. "We proudly advocate for reproductive freedom to ensure that the voices of the pro-choice majority are heard at every level -- from city halls to Congress."

Linda Klepacki, sexual-health analyst for Focus on the Family Action, sat down with CitizenLink to talk about what messages teens will hear this month and how parents can take part in the conversation.

Q: May has been dubbed National Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month. Why is the message of prevention -- 'Use condoms and birth control' -- such a deception?

A: It is important to decrease unwed teen pregnancy because of economic, social, emotional and spiritual issues that can affect the mother and child for the rest of their lives. However, teach children and teens the truth: That abstinence until marriage and its absolute protection against teen pregnancy is the ultimate public-health message.

Planned Parenthood is the nation's largest abortion provider, yet it claims to want to reduce teen pregnancy. Aren't those conflicting goals?

The mission statement of Planned Parenthood says, "Our mission is to ensure that every individual has the knowledge and freedom to make every child a wanted child and every family a healthy family." But Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion provider in the U.S. and around the world. Their belief that every child must be wanted or else killed by abortion is not God's plan for sexuality. Focus on the Family believes that every child is a wanted child from the moment of conception because God is the Creator of that child. It is God's plan to create children from the sexual union of a husband and wife.

Why should parents be concerned about activities at their child's school revolving around National Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month?

Parents, do not be deceived; Planned Parenthood profits in the millions of dollars from providing abortions without parental consent to your daughters. They profit from your children being sexually active. They teach your children that it's normal to be sexually active at any age. They profit in their clinics when your children contract sexually transmitted infections. They profit when your children become pregnant and see abortion as their only option. They profit from contraceptives that your children access in their clinics without your knowledge. Make no mistake -- Planned Parenthood profits from sexually active children and teens!

What should the message be?

Parents, teach your children about God's awesome gift of sexuality from the time they begin to speak. Teach them about the gift of life. Teach them about the closest possible human bonding that sex creates between husband and wife. God created sex for this bonding so that marriage would last a lifetime for the creation and protection of families. Teach your children your family values and morals. By doing this, hopefully your children will never set foot in a Planned Parenthood clinic and will be taken out of any sex-education programs in the public schools. You are the primary sex educators of your children. This is God's gift to you as a parent.


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