Reply to the Author of a Green Note - A Pro-life Poem Based on a Prayer Warrior's Real Life Experience - Updated

A lone neon green note
Secured on sacred ground
Outside the death camp
Corner - caught my eye.

Written on the reverse side
Of a wrinkled loan ticket,
It read:“ Your effort is noted.
God would rather
Replace a soul,
Than to condemn it
To A life of unwanting.

By whom?
Never by the Creator!
The Creator was there
In the darkness
At the moment of conception,
And knit the baby
In her mother’s womb.

Replace a soul?
He created this soul-
This life -
In a unique way,
In His very image.
There is no other
To this one.

He has given this soul
What he gives all souls,
A free will,
To love him
Or to deny Him.
He sent His only Son
Rejected by a sinful,
Self-centered world
To save this little one
And to save us all.

A sinless infant boy
Born to a family dirt-poor,
Delivered in a barn,
Unwanted by the world,
But revered by
His parents, wise men, and His Creator.
He was a King, soon to die
To save the souls of sinners
Like you and me.

Rationalize all you want
To escape the responsibilities you face.
Deny the Truth
And the Devil has the last laugh.

Under the weight of your cross,
You reach out for help.
It is too heavy to carry alone.

You seek a lifeline
– A parachute –
For your drowning soul
From the raging waters
Of eternal damnation.

Your neon green note
Flashing in the sun
Is a plea for prayer
A yearning for Truth,
A cry for mercy.

Lord, have mercy
On the soul of this sinner
And on us all!

“ Awake, O sleeper, Arise from the dead, and Christ will give you light.”-- Ephesians 5:14

~ Jean M. Heimann copyright 2002

It seems like only yesterday, I found the anonymous green note on the ground after a busy day of prayer outside an abortion mill. I can't believe it has been four two years ago. I continue to pray for the person who wrote it and for all those who need to know the Truth, but are blinded by the lies and deceptions that continue to exist in our "culture of death."


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