Sylvester Stalone: Church is the "Gym of the Soul"

Lifesite News reports that Sylvester Stallone, of “Rocky” and “Rambo” fame, has come back to his Christian roots, in a conversion experience that he says has released him from the pressures of the world.“The more I go to church,” Stallone said, reported Focus on the Family’s CitizenLink, “and the more I turn myself over to the process of believing in Jesus and listening to His Word and having Him guide my hand, I feel as though the pressure is off me now.”

Stalone admits, “I was raised in a Catholic home, a Christian home, and I went to Catholic schools and I was taught the faith and went as far as I could with it,” Stallone said. “Until one day, you know, I got out in the so-called real world and I was presented with temptation. I kind of like lost my way and made a lot of bad choices.”

Stalone tells us,"You need to have the expertise and the guidance of someone else. You cannot train yourself," he said. "I feel the same way about Christianity and about what the church is: The church is the gym of the soul."

Whether or not he is returning to the Catholic faith is ambiguous, but he apparently has had some type of born again conversion experience, which is reflected in his third and final Rocky movie - Rocky Balboa. I pray that if he hasn't already, that he returns to the Catholic faith.

You can learn more about the movie Rocky Balboa here and read a capsule movie review here.


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