Is the NuvaRing Safe?

I was recently asked this question:

I am thinking about using the NuvaRing, which I have heard is safer than taking the pill (which I have heard can cause blood clots, strokes, and breast cancer.) I am 18 years old and want to avoid pregnancy or having to get an abortion if I forget to take the pill. I have talked with someone about this already, but I am still concerned. Can you tell me how safe the NuvaRing is?

Let's talk about what the NuvaRing is and how it works.

The NuvaRing is a thin transparent, flexible ring that you insert into the vagina. It is left in for three weeks, during which time it slowly releases estrogen and progestin hormones into the body. The ring is worn for three weeks, and is then removed for one week. Then a new ring must be inserted. If certain medications including antibiotics are taken, the effectiveness of the ring decreases.

NuvaRing has three ways of working:
1. It can prevent ovulation (the release of an egg from the ovary.)
2. It can cause the mucus in the cervix to change, so that if the sperm reach reach the cervix, it is more difficult for them to enter.
3. It can irritate the lining of the uterus so that if the first two actions fail, and the woman does become pregnant, the tiny baby boy or girl will die before he or she can actually attach to the lining of the uterus.

In other words, if the third action occurs, the woman's body rejects the tiny baby and he or she will die. This is called a "chemical abortion."

WARNING: You may not be told that NuvaRing cannot cause an abortion, but that statement is based on the incorrect notion that pregnancy begins when the baby implants in the lining of the womb (about a week after fertilization). This is dishonest and scientifically false. Don't be misled.

You asked if NuvaRing is safe. No, it is not. Here is a partial list of possible side effects:
  • vaginal discharge or irritation
  • weight gain
  • nausea
  • breast tenderness
  • mood changes
  • irregular bleeding
  • severe abdominal pain
  • increased risk of breast cancer
  • increased risk of cervical cancer
  • chest pain or shortness of breath
  • severe headaches
  • eye problems such as blurred vision
  • severe leg or arm pain or numbness

I think it's important that I mention here that NuvaRing also offers no protection against sexually transmitted diseases, including AIDS.

Some people may try to convince you that NuvaRing is totally without risk. But that is not true, as it could be harmful to you. It also has the potential to abort your baby - without you ever knowing it.

You don't mention whether you are single or married. Chastity is the best option for single people. It helps you stay healthy and assures that you will not be faced with a so-called emergency in the first place. When you are chaste, you don't have to worry about STD's or emotional heartbreak. Why take chances with your physical or emotional health when you have such excellent options?

If you are married, be faithful to your spouse, and if you really have sufficient reason to avoid having a baby right now, learn about natural family planning.

Be good to yourself. Don't use the NuvaRing.

Source of information


  1. I had horrible side effects from the NuvaRing (nonstop bleeding for a month, even after removal)and my friend who was on it had non-stop bleeding for five months.

  2. I know someone in her 20's who had a stroke after using the NuvaRing.


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