Study: Pro-Life Legislation Cut Abortions on Teen Girls by 50 Percent

Washington, DC ( -- A new study finds pro-life laws such as parental notification or consent reduced abortions on teenage girls by more than 50 percent. Dr. Michael New says that parental involvement laws passed in the 1990s resulted in a "dramatic decrease in the incidence of abortion among minors."

Praise the Lord! It wasn't our pro-death politicians like Kathleen Sebelius or Hillary Clinton who try to take credit for this nor was it Planned Parenthood. It was the prayers and the work of the pro-lifers - those who persevere in their efforts daily to put an end to the culture of death. Ultimately, it was God's mercy being poured out upon us that is winning the battle for us.


  1. This is good news for the girls, their families, and society at large, but it must be devastating for the abortion lobby.

  2. It wouldn't be if they would change their ways. We celebrate life and their always welcome to celebrate that precious gift with us.


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