New German Study on NFP Deceptive

Jimmy Akin, noted Catholic apologist, has an interesting piece on a German study just out which is quite slanted and refers to Natural Family Planning as a "Modified Rhythm Method" which in itself shows that they don't know what they are talking about due to lack of education or are purposely attempting to deceive their readers. NFP is totally different from the Rhythm method.

Here is a portion of Jimmy's post.

Here's their (slanted) headline:

Modified Rhythm Method Shown to Be as Effective as the Pill—But Who Has That Kind of Self-Control?

The slant is also evident through the story, from the "Vatican roulette" reference in the lede (opening paragraph) to one researcher's disparaging remarks about the term "natural family planning":

"For many couples this is highly unnatural. 'Natural' is methods that you don't have to think about, that allow you to be spontaneous…"

Sorry, but there's nothing "natural" about latex barriers (which you certainly do "have to think about") or barrages of hormones specifically designed to short-circuit the natural functioning of a major bodily system (which you ought to be thinking about).

NFP, meanwhile, is entirely "natural" in the most meaningful and relevant sense: It accords with natural law, with the truth about human nature. It may or may not come "naturally" to couples raised in a sex-obsessed immediate-gratification contraceptive culture, but then neither do things like fidelity and lifelong commitment. Unsurprisingly, couples who do have "that kind of self-control" also turn out to be a lot better than their contracepting peers at the latter things too.

I really wish the secular press would get their noses out of the ground and wake up to the reality of the times. When you use the pill, depo - provera, the ring and other hormone-based contraceptives, you are putting artificial poisons into your system , which can result in an abortion. The hormones in them are not natural and they do harm to the body - resulting in high blood pressure, stroke, etc. Who can be spontaneous when they're worried about these kinds of problems?

There is no total self-giving or commitment between the couple with these "artificial methods".


NFP users have very low rates of divorce and infidelity.

NFP is a natural method which invites intimacy between the couple - it is 99% effective 100% of the time.

Here are a few of the benefits of NFP:

*is based on sound scientific knowledge;
*helps the couple understand their mutual fertility;
* fosters communication between partners. Both partners learn to accept responsibility for family planning decisions.
*helps to show that children are a gift to the marriage and to the world.
*enables couples to achieve or avoid a pregnancy;
*promotes the mutual love of the couple;
*is morally acceptable;
*does not require regularity of the menstrual cycles;
*can be successfully applied during breastfeeding, premenopause and discontinued use of the birth control pill;
*is invaluable for infertile couples, both for achieving pregnancy, and as a tool in the diagnosis and treatment of reproductive disorders;
*makes couples comfortable with their fertility and able to teach their children about healthy sexuality as the children grow into their own fertility.
*is simple to learn.

You can learn more about NFP here or visit the NFP links in my sidebar.

There is lots of discussion over there, so check it out by clicking here.


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