Toilet Babies Evidence of Numbness Toward Life

Kansas City, MO – A 20-year old McDonald’s employee attempted to flush her newborn baby down the toilet at the Kansas City restaurant where she worked after she unexpectedly gave birth to a 32-week baby boy on Monday.

She told shocked co-workers that she had “flushed three times but that it would not go down.” [Read the entire story.]


  1. Her mistake was she should have picked up the baby and went to one of Kansas notorious baby killing places, paid the baby killer his ga-zillion dollar fee so he could make massive amounts of donations to the govenor and states attorny, it wouldn't even make the papers.

  2. HOW, how can someone do this? I just don't understand it. Are they so blindly selfish that they can't see that little tiny face? It really baffles me.

  3. I think this is just another indication of the breakdown of our society. We are so depraved and getting more so ever day. Spreading the Good news, living out the gospel message in our lives, educating parents in the faith and the truth about God and about the value of human life so they can educate their children is so necessary today in this culture of death in which we live. It is really sick that we think so little of the precious gift of human life that we attempt to flush it down the toliet or dispose of it in a dumpster. Human life is a precious gift from God and not a waste product to flushed down the toilet or garbage to thrown in the trash.

  4. Praise God for the baby's life!! Likely, this child will grow up to be a very special person....



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