Advent Meditation: The Daily Gospel with Fr. Philippe, O.P.

Gospel: Mt. 11: 11 - 15

John the Baptist is the one who announces, who proclaims. He is the one who wants to awaken his people. Advent is marked by Mary's silence, and this silence is striking. But in order to recognize their Savior, the people people of Israel will need to be awakened by a John the Baptist. In a similar way, the people of God today also need witnesses who proclaim that God is completely given to us. In this gift He manifests just how much He loves us and desires to be close to us and present among us. During this time of Advent, we need to be awakened in our faith, in our hope and in our charity. John the Baptist shakes those who are falling asleep. He shakes believers who no longer have enough faith to stay awake.

Through John the Baptist, the Holy Spirit wants to remind us that this time preceding Christmas is a time of mercy, so that we might be ready to welcome the Son of God, this little child who is our God, our Creator, and our Savior. May we welcome Him not only for ourselves but also for all men, especially those who forget God's love and mercy, for those who forget how much God desires to be close to us, desires to be the One who saves us, who transforms us by His love and in His love.

~ From The Daily Gospel with Fr. Philippe, O.P., Priest, Philosophy Professor, Founder of the Community of St. John


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