Advent Meditation: Fr. Philippe, O.P.

Gospel: Mt 1: 18 - 25

God did not push Joseph aside, but he did test his heart to see how far his magnanimity would go, just how far he would be faithful. Being ready to start over from scratch requires a radical purification - being ready to say to God that we are ready to do His will as He Himself wants it to be done and not according to our little plans. Joseph had already made plans when he met Mary. With his human prudence in the depths of his heart, did he not dream of something great and wonderful? It was necessary for all of this to be swept away in order for him to be poor. It is not possible to be the husband of Mary and the father of Jesus except in great poverty.

Joseph's heart was broken, but there was no revolt against God within him. With a great spirit of poverty he accepted all that he had been left out. Joseph accepted it all because he believed in the will of the Father was greater than anything else. Here we touch on the depth of Joseph's soul: instead of hardening himself, this truly poor man, placed himself totally in the hands of God in order for Him to do with him as He willed.

~ From the Daily Gospel with Fr. Philippe, OP (Priest, Philosophy Professor, Founder of the Community of St. John) compiled by the Sisters of of St. John, 2007

Image: St. Joseph Ora Pro Nobis


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