Amazing Catechists

I have discovered a wonderful new website called Amazing Cathechists which is a free resource for all of you who teach CCD or RCIA classes or homeschool your children in the faith. It's so new, that a few parts are still under construction, but stop by for a visit and meet some talented catechists who offer their insights on a wide variety of topics. New columns will be added monthly, and they hope to offer a wealth of free resources for you to use with your students.

Two talented writers are the Amazing Catechists: Leticia, at cause of our joy, causa nostrae laetitiae, and Catholic Media Review and Lisa Mlandinich, whose story, "Acting Up" is featured in this month's "Faith and Family"magazine is the webmistress and originator of Amazing Catechists. Her puppet scripts can be found at Catholic Puppet Show Ministry at Catholic

I will be adding Amazing Cathechists to my list of Catholic sites. I just finished checking it out and it is fantastic!


  1. Thank you for praising Amazing Cathechists; we all do our best. I tried to find you on fb but there are other people with the same name and I didn't know which one you are.
    Yours is one of the most devout sites I have ever come across.
    Take care


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