Catholic Carnival 176: The Structures of Life

This week's Catholic Carnival is up at Living Catholicism and Jay has done a wonderful job of organizing the posts and creating a central theme.
Here are just a few of my favorites:

I enjoyed Weathering the Storm at Transitus Tiber, which is Kim's reflection on becoming a Benedictine Oblate.

I loved reading Leticia's post Happy 11th Birthday, Isabella at Cause of Our Joy , in which she shares a wonderful birthday prayer that really gives you a feel for Isabella's personality!

Sarah at Aggie Catholics will open up your spiritual eyes with a lesson she learns in Spelling.

Ask Sister Mary Martha has written an entertaining and essential post on humility in Doing a Humble.

Pepperdine Professor denied communion at A Catholic View by Christina asks for your take on this event: a Catholic professor was denied communion because of his public support for Obama. The professor is pro-life, but publically supporting a candidate who is pro-abortion. Was the priest correct in denying him communion? We all enjoy sharing our opinions on challenging topics like this, so be sure to check it out.

Don't stop at reading these few posts, there are plenty more great stories waiting for you at Living Catholicism.


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