Cardinal Sean O'Malley on Senator Kennedy's Funeral

Cardinal Sean O'Malley writes very eloquently about his presence at Senator Kennedy's funeral. Please read the post first and let us know your thoughts. Should he have attended the funeral? Should the funeral have been open to the public? Should it have been held at a Catholic Church? Was there anything about the funeral that you found distasteful?  What bothered you the most about the Kennedy funeral? Was there anything that you found uplifting about the funeral?

Update: Cardinal Lashes out at Pro-Lifers, Soft-Pedals Criticism of Kennedy Abortion Support


  1. This is the response I left on the cardinal's blog:

    Dear Cardinal O’Malley,

    I have been pondering Pope Benedict’s words in his new encyclical “Charity in Truth”:
    “To defend the truth, to articulate it with humility and conviction, and to bear witness to it in life are therefore exacting and indispensable forms of charity.”

    To speak the truth is an indispensable form of charity, especially when that truth is unpopular. Our society does not want to hear that the unborn child must not be killed.

    Despite whatever good he did, Senator Kennedy spent the better part of his long political career actively working for legislation that would favor abortion. That is not a judgment; it is part of the public record. He even voted in favor of partial-birth abortion, a horrendous procedure in which the baby’s brains are sucked out.
    He did immense damage to the pro-life movement. Is that of any consequence in the eyes of the bishops?
    While we pray in charity for his soul, it is indeed a deep scandal for the Church to imply that his record on abortion is of no consequence. I realize you were in a difficult position, but I am deeply disappointed that the overall impression given by the funeral was that it doesn’t really matter if a Catholic politician ardently supports abortion.

    Who is speaking up for the millions of innocents who have been slaughtered and continue to die every day?
    While Ted Kennedy had a magnificent funeral, these innocent children are thrown into dumpsters. And no one weeps.

  2. Dear Cardinal O'Malley,

    I believe I am in agreement with Sr. Lorraine. Ted Kennedy was a very poor example of a good Catholic, or what a good Christian should be. He never did show any remorse over Chapiquitic (spelling?) and he was a womanizer.

    He had no problem spending other peoples money, but how much of his own money did he ever give to the needy?

    I'm sorry Cardinal O'Malley, even though I prayed for Ted Kennedy, unless he had a death bed conversion, I would have hated to be him when he met St. Peter.


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