A Home Abortion Kit?

The Chicago-based Pro-Life Action League has announced that it was the target of a mail fraud scam of national proportions. People calling the League alerted the organization to mailings that list an organization called “American Women’s Health,” accompanied by the League’s mailing address and phone number. The mailings attempt to sell at-home abortion kits. The mailings, which have appeared in various mailboxes from California to Minnesota and Kentucky, advertise “the Home Abortion Kit.” The kit, which the brochure says retails for $400, allegedly contains a secret combination of chemicals that “break down the fetus into bio-waste in a mere ten minutes.” The brochure states that the “bio-waste” can then be disposed of “down the toilet, down the drain, or into a compost heap because it is completely safe for the environment.”

The at-home procedure the kit offers is “a blatantly illegal procedure in almost every state in the country,” says the League. Forty four states in the country have regulations on who can perform an abortion. In Illinois, where the pro-life group is based, only a physician can legally perform an abortion.

The Pro-Life Action League, which was founded to save the lives of unborn children through direct, non-violent action, says they routinely receive “surprising” calls asking how much abortions cost or whether they perform them. However, the group called the mail fraud scheme “beyond 'surprising.'” Read the entire article.


  1. What will the pro-death crowd try next?


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