SECOND Planned Parenthood Aids Pimp's Underage Sex Ring

 Oops...They did it again!  In January of 2011, undercover investigators walked into Planned Parenthood's abortion clinic in Richmond, VA. They told the staffer that they manage a prostitution ring of 14 and 15 year old girls.


  1. When the female embryo is only 6 weeks old, it makes preparations for motherhood by developing egg cells. When the baby girl is born, each of her ovaries carries about 1 million egg cells, all that she will ever have...

    We have a duty to all young women as their seniors and mentors to educate them about the beauty of potential life they carry within them from the time they are "knitted in the womb."

    Let us help them embrace their feminity and procreative potential and good and beautiful and sacred.

    Shall we??

    Lynn O'Gorman Latchford
    Dublin, Ireland

  2. We must help women understand their gift of femininity and womanhood, and it's importance in God's plan for humanity. I am praying for God to make us ready for what He is going to allow for the future. Whatever that is. Our society has been brainwasher to believe that children are an inconvenient side affect to our sexuality. Children have become a "problem" instead of the Blessing from God that they are. This threatens our relationship with God and each other. Women are being attacked, and we must be instrumental in correcting this spiritual illness our society is laboring under. Pray ladies. God may be calling us to defend our faith, families and nation on a spiritual level. Lord, make us ready. Amen


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