The First Martyrs of the Church of Rome

The Coliseum
Rome, Italy
From My Personal Photo Collection
February, 2006

When the city of Rome had been devastated by fire in the year 64, the Emperor Nero launched a persecution against the Christians, who were soaked in tar and burned as living torches at evening banquets, fed to wild animals in the arena, or crucified. Their deaths are documented in the writings of the Roman historian Tacitus and in Pope St Clement’s letter to the Corinthians. These martyrs died before Sts. Peter and Paul, and are called “disciples of the Apostles. . . whom the Holy Roman church sent to their Lord before the Apostles’ death.”

Collect: Father, you sanctified the Church of Rome with the blood of its first martyrs. May we find strength from their courage and rejoice in their triumph. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.


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