Pontifical Council for the Family meets in Rome to analyze the role of parents and family

December 2, 2011. (Romereports.com) The family unit has changed dramatically in the last few decades. Some of those changes have been positive, but others have weakened its strength and stability.

Some of those challenges are all too common: like co-habitation, lack of parental responsibility, divorce, and having children out of wedlock. More recently even massive immigration is now a social factor.

All those topics were discussed by couples from all over the world who are part of the Pontifical Council for the Family. Above all, the goal is to discuss how Christian teachings can renew families.

Christine Vollmer
Alianza Latinoamericana para la Familia
“The Church has so many teachings, some of which focus on human anthropology. But lately the Church hasn't been successful at transmitting that message to the world.”

As World Family Meeting in Milan, gets closer members are also taking a closer look at the social and spiritual role parents nowadays, often ignore.

Timothy O'Donnell
Christendom College, President
“There is a proper role for the man. To be there to guard, to protect, to nurture, to provide in a special way, in a manly way. This is something that in many ways has been forgotten, ignored and needs to be brought back.”

O'Donnell says having a father to look up to at home has a direct effect on children's lives, especially when it comes to teaching values and religion. In some countries, that responsibility is often left to the mother, but when children see their father pray, studies show that too leaves a lasting impression.

Timothy O'Donnell
Christendom College, President
“If you see the father doing that and I saw my father do that and it was a powerful example. I always associated this with male identity, being protective. He was concerned, involved with what was most important in life.”

When it comes to mothers, spending quality time with children at home is often not valued enough. But this too, has a direct impact on children during their formative years.

Alberto Vollmer
Former Ambassador of Venezuela to the Holy See
“The work that women do at home from day to night, like preparing all the meals, doing house chores, helping kids with their homework. All this has an enormous social value that's often disregarded and not valued enough.”

In one of his encyclicals, John Paul II wrote the future of humanity passes through the family. The Pontifical Council for the Family says, now more than ever, that message needs to be re- awakened.


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