Male Cross-Dressers Demand Access to Women’s Restrooms and Showers in Kansas

I just received the following press release from Liberty Counsel Action and am posting it here for your information:

Washington, DC – Kansas has become the latest battleground over granting special rights to homosexuals and cross-dressers. Human Relations Commissions and/or homosexual activist groups in Lawrence, Hutchinson, Salina, Wichita, and Pittsburg have asked their respective city councils to add “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” to protected classes. Lawrence passed the ordinance. The Hutchinson City Council will vote on such a proposal May 1, 2012.

“The federal Civil Rights Act of 1964 laid the foundation for future civil rights laws,” said Mathew Staver, Chairman of Liberty Counsel Action. “Homosexual activists are attempting to hijack the civil rights train by claiming that homosexual behavior deserves the same special protection granted to racial and gender minorities.”

While all rational Americans are against discrimination, elevating “sexual orientation” or “gender identity” (a modern version of “I think, therefore I am”) to a protected civil right creates more bias. According to the FAQ Sheet by the Hutchinson Human Relations Commission, employers would be prevented from considering sexual orientation and gender identity when hiring. Dress codes would be based on the employees’ gender “expression,” not gender at birth.

Places of public accommodation, including restaurants, hospitals, stores, and theaters, would be required to allow men wearing women’s clothing to use the women’s restroom. The FAQ Sheet says that if a female has a moral objection, the establishment should “encourage [her] to wait until the [male] has left the restroom.”

If the Hutchinson City measure passes, places of worship that rent out to the general public would be required to rent out their building for homosexual marriages or drag queen parties.

The FAQ Sheet further states that “[i]ndividuals who are nonetheless uncomfortable with sharing locker or shower facilities with a transgender person should be accommodated by allowing those individuals to shower or change at a time when they will be able to use the facility in private.”

The issue has now also made it to the Kansas Legislature. A House-passed measure and Senate bill would require all nondiscrimination policies to match the state law, known as the “Kansas Acts Against Discrimination” (KAAD). KAAD does not include homosexual special rights.

Mathew Staver, Chairman of Liberty Counsel Action, said, “If ‘gender identity’ laws become commonplace, then any person who speaks against deviant sexual practices will be vilified, their rights will be thwarted, and their freedom of religion and of conscience will be crushed.”


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