Coming Home to the 'Catholic Church' for Christmas

I came "Home" for Christmas many years ago and it was the happiest Christmas of my life!

In different parts of the globe, it's the same story that's being heard over and over again.

Distanced Catholics are going back to Church and embracing their faith. Some call it the 'Francis effect' others say it's the result of the  New Evangelization. Either way, the Catholic Bishops' Conference of England and Wales is jumping on board with an initiative called: 'Come Home for Christmas.'

It's website encourages Catholics who never or rarely attend Mass, to go back and rediscover their faith.  It includes the personal stories of Catholics who for different reasons, distanced themselves from the Church for months, years or even decades...but eventually they all decided to go back.

Every person brings a unique story. In an increasingly secular country like the UK, Bishops want to invite their flock, young and old, back to the Church. They're hoping Catholics will realize that Christianity is still relevant and it still has a lot to offer.

Even though the initiative isn't limited to the Holiday Season,  Bishops say there's no better time to go back home than Christmas.


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