Seven Quick Takes

1. This has been a busy week. I have been working on: some major writing projects, doing research, heavy duty cleaning and de-cluttering my home, in addition to caring for a sick husband. Thanks be to God for the snow or I never would have been able to accomplish all this.  The snow days gave me ample time to get caught up.  I went to First Friday Mass and to the grocery store today and even the main roads continue to be snow-packed and icy.

2. I am not a big TV watcher, but in addition to the wonderful programming on EWTN, I have been really enjoying the new Hallmark series When Calls the Heart as well as Downton Abbey.

3. Love is in the air!  I am looking forward to celebrating Valentine’s Day (one day later) this coming Saturday night with my dear husband at our diocesan Night of Romance.  Here are some more romantic ways for celebrating the day. Joseph Pronechen at the National Catholic Register reminds us to Pray for Marriage Before Valentine’s Day. There are some great suggestions and links in this article.

4. Does it ever puzzle you as to why some blog posts are more popular than others? Why are the ones you spend a lot of time on (10-15 minutes for me)  not as popular as those you spend less than five minutes working on? Actually, this example is a no-brainer. Who wouldn’t rather hear from Blessed John Paul II than Obama?

5. We celebrated the feasts of some wonderful women saints this week: St. Colette, the patron saint of expectant mothers and childless couples who long to conceive and St. Agatha, the patron saint against breast cancer.  There is a prayer for the healing of breast cancer here.

6. Good News! If you missed Donna-Marie Cooper O'Boyle on EWTN's Women of Grace this past week, you can watch the shows here.

7. If you have been worried about anything, here’s a brief meditation that will bring you peace.

For more Quick Takes, visit Jen at Conversion Diary!


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