7QT: Spring Beauty, Novenas, and the Saints

"The beautiful spring came; and when Nature resumes her loveliness, the human soul is apt to revive also." — Harriet Ann Jacobs

1. It has been a great spring! God has blessed us with lots of showers, which has done wonders for my flowers, fruit-bearing trees, and the garden! Thank you, Lord! The potted plant (an annual named verbena) above, which hangs on my shepherd's hook in the back yard is flourishing and I have only watered it twice in the last month due to the plentiful rain here!

2. These bright, cheerful lilies on the side of the garage are also loving the weather here!

3. These are just a few of the beautiful birds that land on the back yard crabapple tree and head for the mulberry tree, where they enjoy a feast.

4. We have recently added tomato plants to our vegetable garden. This one is a 'Big Boy.' 

5. Just for fun, here's our little one, playing with her favorite mate.

6. It's not too late to start the Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus! The solemnity is June 12! Reminder: The Novena to St. Anthony of Padua begins today, Friday, June 5.

7. Today's saint is St. Boniface, bishop and martyr, who is known as the Apostle of Germany.

Have a wonderful weekend!

For more Quick Takes, visit This Ain't The Lyceum.  


  1. Your garden looks like a tropical paradise! Good luck with the vegetables- what are you growing?


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