7QT: Summer Edition

1. This week, we welcomed our new priests, Fr. Joshua Evans, assistant pastor, on the left, and Fr. C. Jarrod Lies (pronnounced "Lease"), pastor, on the right.

2. I have been working on two new books along with preparing a new project, which I will announce soon. In the meantime, my book Seven Saints for Seven Virtues is doing well and continues to get good reviews.

3. We're gearing up here for the upcoming Midwest Catholic Family Conference, which will be featuring: Matt Maher, Fr. James Kubicki, Tim Staples, Dr. Pia Solenni, Dr. Tim Gray, and more. We attend this every year in August and it just seems to get better and better!

4. This past week, I posted on Catholic Fire this prayer to the Blessed Mother for the healing of our country.

5. Here is an update on my vegetable and flower gardens:

The first tomato the season -- a big boy!

Our State Flower has popped up!

The butterflys really enjoy the purple echinea 
(also known as the Eastern purple coneflower, Purple coneflower)!

6. Just for fun:

Sure, you can take my photo -- just don't ask me to say 'cheese' or I'm outta here!"

"Now, they'll never be able to leave without me!"

"No, I do not need an excorcism! The fireworks did it to me!" 

"Posing for all these celebrity photos sure is boring! How did Morris do it all those years?"

7.  Have a great summer and a wonderful weekend!


~ Copyright Jean M. Heimann July 2015

For more Quick Takes, visit Bonnie at A Knotted Life, who is taking over for Kelly this week.


  1. #3: The conference sounds fabulous! I'd love to hear Simcha speak and Dr. Parravicini's talk sounds amazing, especially as it's a subject that is close to my heart. My son was a NICU baby (born at 29.5 weeks due to me developing severe pre-eclampsia and HELLP Syndrome) and it had the potential to be pretty dicey. Thankfully, he is a fighter and made it through some of the really scary stuff. He'll be a first grader this fall.

    #6: My black cat was a suitcase kitty too! I'd be cleaning my closet and find her asleep in my suitcase.

  2. That conference sounds so great! What talent!

    And your tomato = perfect. I planted my garden a little late so I haven't had any first fruits yet, but I am especially excited about the tomatoes.


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