Feeding Your Family’s Soul: Dinner Table Spirituality

Feeding Your Family’s Soul: Dinner Table Spirituality
by Donna­-Marie Cooper O’Boyle

Stressed and exhausted, today’s parents struggle to meet their deadlines and check off their "to do" lists. This often results in well-meaning parents putting off their children’s faith formation for "another time" or relying on others to teach their children.  This book is uniquely suited to come to their rescue!

Feeding Your Family’s Soul: Dinner Table Spirituality is a vital tool to enable parents to transform a regular dinner time into a prayerful faith lesson for their elementary school to high school aged children.

With 52 fun and creative faith lessons (one for each week of the year), this book will encourage parents and caregivers to seize the opportunity in teaching the Catholic faith to the children (the captive audience waiting to eat!) while gathered at the dinner table, reminding them of the value of coming together as a family to break bread and share hearts.

Release date: September 2016

Pre­order from Amazon, or Paraclete Press

Enter the Goodreads Book Giveaway  to win a free copy of For Feeding Your Family's Soul: Dinner Table Spirituality.

Donna-­Marie Cooper O'Boyle is a wife, mother of five children, grandmother, blogger, catechist, EWTN TV host, popular speaker who thoroughly enjoys her motherhood and considers it to be a sublime vocation. She feels passionate about inspiring and encouraging mothers, women, and families. Donna­-Marie also writes about prayer, family issues, the Church, and the saints.

Blessed to have known Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta for about ten years, they met more than a dozen times and shared a correspondence that spanned a period of ten years. Blessed Mother Teresa encouraged Donna-­Marie to write books to help mothers, women, and families.  Because Donna­Marie loves to inspire mothers, she created two series for EWTN television "Everyday Blessings for Catholic Moms" and "Catholic Mom's Cafe" which she hosts.

Donna-Marie's website: http://www.donnacooperoboyle.com/blog/

Donna-Marie's blog: http://www.donnacooperoboyle.com/blog/category/blog/


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