Conversing with Jesus

Today I am praying for...

success for Birgitta as she begins her PhD comps.

Sandra Miesel's husband, John, who is in his last days of life, suffering from a cancerous brain tumor. May the Lord give her and her family an abundance of graces and fill their hearts with peace.

all Jesuits that they will follow in the footsteps of their spiritual father, St. Ignatius of Loyola, and be blessed with his virtues and charisms.

an immediate cease-fire and peace in the Middle East.

an end to abortion, the closing of all abortion mills, and the conversion of all abortionists and their staff.

respect for all human life from the moment of conception to natural death.

a special intention.

all previous prayer intentions posted here.

Thank you for praying with me for these special intentions. If you have a prayer need, please leave a message in the comment box or email me. I will pray for your intention at daily Mass and during my Holy Hour.


  1. Please pray for the people on my prayer list as well. There are so many people asking for prayer, especialy those who are terminally ill.

    I will put yours on my list as well.

    Thank you and may God continue to bless you!

  2. Dear Brother Lesser,

    Thank you so much! I will be happy to pray for them.

    God bless you,


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