Saint of the Day: Sts. Joachim and Anne

Today is the feast of St. Anne and St. Joachim, parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary and grandparents of Jesus.

Joachim and Anne were a rich and pious couple who had been married for a long time, but found themselves childless. The couple prayed for an end to their barrenness and they promised to dedicate their first born to the service of God. An angel appeared to Anne and told her, "The Lord has looked upon thy tears; thou shalt conceive and give birth and the fruit of thy womb shall be blessed by all the world". Joachim also received the same message from the angel. Anne gave birth to a daughter whom she called Miriam (Mary).

St. Anne is the patron saint of the province of Quebec, where the well-known shrine of St. Anne de Beaupre is located. She is patroness of women in labor and those who have difficulty conceiving; she is represented holding the Blessed Virgin Mary in her lap, who again carries on her arm the Both Joachim and Anne are the patron saints of grandparents.

My memories of celebrating today's feast as a child are very vivid. My home parish held a novena to St. Anne nine days prior to her feast day and I remember going to church every evening with mom to the devotions. I was always in awe of how my mom and the other women in our small French community were so devoted to St. Anne. When mom asked which of us kids wished to accompany her, I always volunteered -- it was a special treat and a privilege to participate in this summer evening novena -- (It was even better than catching lightning bugs!) praying the beautiful devotions in the quiet, candle lit church that smelled of incense and sweet perfume. It was so meditative and mystical --at times I could almost feel her holy presence in the contemplative setting. I also remember feeling a sense of joy and accomplishment when it was over -- I felt that I had helped mom in achieving something special for our family and for the Lord.


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