Abortion Center Director Admits Out-of-State Teens Go There to Avoid Parents

When the Senate approved a bill last week prohibiting taking a teenager to another state for an abortion without her parents' knowledge or consent, abortion advocates claimed the practice rarely occurs. However, the director of a Maryland abortion business says it routinely gets calls from teens wanting to avoid parental involvement laws.

Teenagers in Pennsylvania's York County are apparently heading to the Hagerstown Reproductive Health Services abortion business in neighboring Maryland.

They appear to be wanting to avoid a Pennsylvania state law that requires parental consent for a minor girl to have an abortion and requires all women to wait 24 hours to have an abortion after getting information on fetal development and abortion's medical risks and alternatives.

The HRHS abortion facility sits just 8-10 miles away from the Pennsylvania-Maryland border and it regularly advertises in York County's Yellow Pages.

"It's clear to us that we receive calls from young women in Pennsylvania who already called a clinic in Pennsylvania, and they want to circumvent the state laws," the HRHS abortion center administrator told the York Daily Record.

Maryland has a parental notification requirement, but the abortion practitioner is allowed to waive it in most cases. And, unlike Pennsylvania, Maryland has no mandatory reporting of abortion figures, so no information is known on how many times Pennsylvania teens go to Maryland for an abortion.

Pennsylvania teens are also going to another abortion facility.

Sheryl Wolf, spokeswoman for Hillcrest Clinic, another Maryland abortion business, said 70 young women came there from Pennsylvania.

Other parts of the country are experiencing the same problems of teenagers going out of state for abortions.

Missouri teens frequently are taken to the Hope Clinic abortion facility in Granite City, Illinois, which neighbors St. Louis, Missouri. Though Missouri requires parental involvement before an abortion, Illinois does not.

Last year, Shawn Reagan told Missouri state lawmakers about her problems with the Illinois abortion center. [Entire Story]


  1. I am shocked that Sen. Durbin is stopping the Child Custody Protection Act from going to the President. He is one of the worst Catholic Senators around. I am voting him out of office the second I see his name on the ballot.

  2. Moneybags,

    If I were still living in IL, I would be voting both Durbin and Governor B. out of office -- they have done much harm to the people of IL with their pro-death policies and actions.

    And, to think, Durbin was once pro-life!


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