Book Review: We Chose Life: Why You Should Too
We Chose Life: Why You Should Too by Anthony Horvath, 84 pages, Athanatos Publishing Group. When I received a copy of noted Christian writer Anthony Horvath’s new book, We Chose Life: Why You Should Too , I expected a well-written discussion of his pro-life views, but had no idea that he had such a gripping, powerful personal story to tell. In this small, but power-packed book, Anthony Horvath shares one of the most heart-rending stories a parent can tell – the discovery that their child has a serious medical problem. At the 20 week ultrasound, he and his wife are overjoyed to learn that they are to have a daughter, but are thrust into a state of shock and, later, grief, when they discover that their daughter has a severe birth defect known as Spina Bifida. In the course of discovering his daughter’s condition, he and his wife are asked the question most doctors seem to automatically ask parents of an exceptional child today: “Do you want to terminate?” Their response was an emphatic,