Granite City's Abortion Mill "HOPE" Clinic

(Granite City, IL) Quincy/Adams County Right to Life Group is setting up a prayer vigil for April with the goal of shutting down the Granite City abortion mill. It is estimated that approximately 150 to 200 abortions per week take place there, many of them late term abortions. The mill is closed only on Sundays. Mondays is a "bag and tag" day when staff prepare fetal body parts for marketing purposes. On Saturdays 40-60 people pray at this mill, but very few are there Tuesday through Fridays.

Please pray for the success of this effort and if possible come join others in prayer for one day during April.

Here is a prayer, that you can you can say for the closing of that mill:

Loving Father, I know that all life is in your image and I thank you for the life you have given to me. I join with others to thank you for the many children who have been saved from abortion!

Merciful Father, we beg your forgiveness for the shedding of innocent blood of millions of unborn babies that die through abortion!

We pray for godly wisdom in our government & courts, and that our nation becomes a repentant nation.

We pray that God will strengthen & aid pro-life officials.

Gracious God, we ask that You would bring forth a profound spiritual awakening in Granite City, in Illinois & across our land.

May those who proclaim the Gospel never hesitate to defend life & speak up for all the victims of abortion!

Almighty God, we pray for the protection of all unborn children and their mothers. Protect them from the violence of abortion, especially those children who will die at Hope Clinic in Granite City. Give new hope to their parents, that they may turn away from the desperate act of abortion!

We pray for God's grace & healing for mothers who have had abortions! Only through the forgiveness of Your Son, will they know peace of mind & heart.

We pray that God's mercy will allow conversion to the abortionists & to each staff member at Hope Clinic.

We pray that God will sustain those counselors & prayer warriors who travel to Granite City's abortion mill to save mothers and their babies from the tragedy of abortion. Send Your Holy Spirit to bless them with perseverance in this effort. Amen.


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