The Nativity: Reviews and Views (Great Photos!)

The reviews on The Nativity are out - even before the Holy Father has had a chance to see it! I'm eager to hear his opinion on it.

Check out Lamland's excellent review here. Dr Baehr, the founder and Publisher of Movieguide® and Chairman of the Christian Film & Television Commission, shares his opinion at Movie Guide. Some great photos and a trailer are available here.
The Daily Blogster offers a review from a Christian, non-Catholic viewpoint which is interesting. Catholic Online offers more information here. This is a movie I don't want to miss!


  1. I would be surprised if the Pope did make a comment, especially after the possibly leaked comment of JP2 on TPOTC.

    I heard the guy the wrote the screenplay for it the other day on radio and it does seem like they have made a good effort in portraying the Holy Family.

  2. Jean,

    I'm really looking forward to seeing this too. Everything I have read about it is good.

  3. I think it's fascinating that Mr Bob said nearly the same as me - no kids under 9 (I said 8). Other than that, awesome movie and I hope it will do well! To Jeff - I'm sure you know this, but the writer is the Christian on the project and made sure that his faith in the story came through.

  4. Thanks for the link guys (and girls) and the kind words about my review. I've gotten more hits on this review than almost any single subject I've ever written, that is encouraging considering this is concerning the greatest time in history ever.
    Tell the story any way possible, our God is great.

    Mr Bob


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