St. Therese, Apostle of Hope
Showing posts from November, 2004
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St. Therese of Lisieux, "Apostle of Hope"
St. Therese had a simple, child-like trust in the mercy and love of Jesus and, therefore, is known as the "Apostle of Hope and Confidence". During this Advent season of hope, let us ponder on her inspiring words.
"The knowledge that it was impossible to do anything of myself greatly simplified my task. Confident that the rest would be given me over and above, the one aim of my interior life was to unite myself more and more closely with God."
"My hope has never been deceived. Each time I needed food for the souls in my charge, I have found my hands filled. Had I acted otherwise and relied on my own strength, I should very soon have been forced to surrender."
"We can never have too much confidence in the good God who is so powerful and so merciful. We obtain from Him as much as we hope for."
Scripture Passage
"I know well the plans I have in mind for you, says the Lord, pla
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I found the following article on the Canadian Health Network. Although fibromyalgia has been around for some time, the medical community has only recently acknowledged its existence, mainly because it is a complicated chronic disease with many symptoms and they were unaware of how to diagnose and treat it. I present this article to help educate and instruct those who may have it and be unaware of it and to aid those who may have friends, family, co-workers, or others in their lives who must deal with the chronic pain of this devastating disease. The list of symptoms below represents only a partial list of the many maladies associated with this disease. Let us pray for all those who struggle daily with chronic pain.
What is fibromyalgia?
Fibromyalgia, also known as fibromyositis and fibrositis, is a common chronic disease, characterized by widespread, constant pain throughout the body, sleeping disturbances, and abnormal exhaustion. The majority of peo
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The Advent wreath is a special symbol composed of a wreath of evergreen, in a circle, with 4 candles, 3 purple and one rose colored.
One candle is lit every night during Advent. One purple one during the first week of Advent, the second purple one nightly during the second week, and so on, until during the fourth week all four candles are lit. Some people also place a large white candle in the center to be lit on Christmas Day. In our home, we keep a bright red candle in the center of the wreath, which we light on Christmas, following midnight Mass.
Each of the four candles represents 1000 years that the people waited for the coming of the Messiah.
The purple candles are for the sorrow we feel for not loving Jesus enough. Purple is composed of two colors -- red and blue--red representing the Passion of Christ and blue representing the Blessed Virgin Mary.
The rose candle is for the joy surrounding the impending birth of Jesus. The rose color is a combination of red
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Happy Thanksgiving!
It is the day before Thanksgiving and I am starting the preparations for a veritable feast tomorrow -- turkey, dressing, cranberries, sweet potatoes, broccoli and cauliflower with cheese, pumpkin pie, and more. The weather outside looks more like Christmas as it is snowing quite heavily and we are predicted to have six to eight inches of the white stuff today. My husband, Bill, must have been singing "Let it Snow" again, as it usually does whenever he utters those words. Perhaps, he should have been a weatherman, rather than an industrial engineer.
A Scripture Passage for Thanksgiving
"Give thanks to the Lord for he is good,
for his kindness endures forever.
Who can tell the mighty deeds of the Lord,
or proclaim all His praises?"
-- Psalm 106: 1-2
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Blessed Miguel Augustin Pro
Miguel Augstin Pro was born January 13, 1891, in Mexico. From his childhood, he was known for his high spirits and happy personality. The son of an affluent mining engineer and a pious and charitable mother, Miguel had a special affinity for the working classes.
At 20, he became a Jesuit novice and shortly afterwards was exiled due to the Mexican revolution. He traveled to the United States, Spain, Nicaragua and Belgium, where he was ordained in 1925. Father Pro suffered greatly from a severe stomach disorder. When his health did not improve after several surgeries, his superiors permitted him to return to Mexico in 1926.
At this time, the revolutionary government in Mexico had banned all religious practice. The churches were closed and priests were in hiding. The government was particularly focused on finding and persecuting priests. Father Pro became a great master of disguise and spent the remainder of his life in a secret ministry to the Mexica
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Rachel Network Healing After Abortion Evening of Prayer
A healing after abortion prayer service sponsored by the Rachel Network of the Catholic Diocese of Peoria, IL will take place at St. Edward Catholic Church in Chillicothe on Wednesday, December 1st at 7:00 p.m.
This prayer service is open to anyone touched by abortion in any way -- husbands, friends, parents, grandparents, counselors -- as well as women who have experienced abortion themselves. No pre-registration is required. An anonymous atmosphere with subdued lighting, scripture reading and prayer, counseling, and the opportunity to receive the sacrament of Reconciliation is available. The evening of prayer is open to those of all denominations.
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St. Cecilia
St. Cecilia, the daughter of a patrician, was the only Christian in her family. Her parents permitted her to meet with other Christians in the catacombs, despite their indifference to her faith. She continually kept a copy of the holy Gospel hidden under her clothing over her heart. Her parents obliged her, however, despite her vow of virginity, to marry the young Valerian, whom she thought of as noble and good, but who was still pagan.
During the evening of the wedding day, Cecilia, an intelligent, beautiful, and noble Roman maiden, renewed her vow. When the new couple were alone, she gently told Valerian, "Dear friend, I have a secret to confide to you, but will you promise me to keep it?" He promised her solemnly that nothing would ever make him reveal it, and she continued, "Listen: an Angel of God watches over me, for I belong to God. If he sees that you would approach me under the influence of a sensual love, his anger will be inflamed, and you w
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Prayer to Christ The King
O Christ Jesus, I acknowledge You to be King of the Universe; all that has been made is created by You. Exercise over me all Your sovereign rights. I hereby renew the promises of my baptism, renouncing Satan and all his pomps and works and I dedicate myself to lead henceforth a truly Christian life. I will try to bring about the triumph of the rights of God and Your Church. Sacred Heart of Jesus, I offer You my poor actions to obtain the acknowledgment by every heart of Your sacred kingly power so that the kingdom of Your peace be firmly established throughout the earth. Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, Your Kingdom come through Mary, Your Mother. Sacred Heart of Jesus, protect our families. Immaculate Heart of Mary, Queen of Heaven and of our homes, pray for us. St. Joseph, friend of the Sacred Heart, pray for us. St. Michael the Archangel, pray for us. Guardian Angels of our families, pray for us.
("Prayer to Christ the King" taken and adapted fr
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Christians are continuing to stand up and take action against the atheistic ACLU. The latest movement to fight the good fight is StopThe .
((WorldNetDaily Exclusive, November 20, 2004) The ACLU , says the website StopThe , is "relentlessly and fiercely assaulting America's foundations by feverishly working through activist court systems to impose same-sex marriage and remove all vestiges of the Ten Commandments wherever they may be posted."
Nedd Kareiva says his two main goals are to send 1 million letters to the ACLU's headquarters in New York and to coordinate a march of 1 million Americans at each ACLU office in the nation. As WorldNetDaily reported , an ACLU lawsuit against the Pentagon resulted in an agreement announced this week to ensure military bases do not sponsor Boy Scout troops.
Kereiva told WorldNetDaily in an e-mail that while there are public-interest law groups such as the Amer
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Holy Pet of the Day Becomes Celebrity
Moonshadow, a 19-year-old shaded silver Persian from Illinois, reached the pinnacle of his career today, achieving celebrity status when he appeared on Catholic - Cards Pet Cards as one of the pets of the day for November 19, 2004.
His past career highlights include: therapist in long-term care facilities, professional nurse -- cuddling up to sick and moody adults -- treating them to purring sessions, and professional model -- posing for all boring and personally invasive photo sessions. He continues to volunteer as chair warmer, food tester, and lap warmer.
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'life or health of the mother' myth prevails again
ST. LOUIS, November 20, 2002 ( - A Missouri appeals court has ruled against a state law banning partial-birth abortions because it does not make exceptions for the so-called "life or health of the mother", a requirement imposed two years ago by the U.S. Supreme Court ruling on a Nebraska case and a familiar liberal canard in upholding partial-birth abortion. It now remains for the federal court to rule if the law is unconstitutional.
Planned Parenthood welcomed the ruling and is pressing the higher court to declare the state law unconstitutional, according to Paula Gianino of Planned Parenthood in St. Louis. "We had great concerns because the bill never included an exception for women getting an abortion if they needed one for a serious or dire health condition," she claimed."We're still very much alive constitutionally when it
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A Victory for Pro-lifers
House Bill 3589 (Stem Cell Research "Clone and Kill Bill") did not pass with amendments in the Illinois Senate, the vote was 28 yea, to 29 nay with one voting present. This is a victory for pro-lifers in Illinois. For more on this bill visit the IFRL webpage at:
Quote for the Day
The greatest destroyer of peace is abortion because if a mother can kill her own child what is left for me to kill you and you to kill me? There is nothing between.
~ Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta
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Saint Rose Philippine Duschene
Saint Rose was born on August 29, 1769 at Grenoble, France to a family of wealth and political connections. When she was eight years old, she heard a Jesuit missionary speak of his missionary work in America, which sparked a strong desire within her to evangelize. She was educated at home until she was 12 years old, when she was sent to the convent of the Visitation nuns in Grenoble to continue her studies. She joined them when she was 19 without the permission or knowledge of her family.
Her convent closed quite abruptly during the Reign of Terror of the French Revolution. She spent the next ten years living as a laywoman, but continued to live as if she were still with her Order. She established a school for poor children, cared for the sick and hid priests from the Revolutionaries. When the Reign of Terror ended, she reclaimed her convent and attempted to reestablish it with a small group of sisters. However, most were long gone, and in 1804, t
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Safety warnings added to abortion pill
Pro-life groups insist labels for potentially lethal drug not enough
November 17, 2004 1:00 a.m. Eastern
Pro-life groups say the Food and Drug Administration 's new warning label on the "morning after" abortion pill is a small step in the right direction but not enough.
"Women's lives are at stake, while the FDA is fretting over political correctness," said Kurt Entsminger, president of Care Net , a group that supports a network of 800 crisis pregnancy centers in the U.S. and Canada.
The pill, RU-486, was implicated in the death of 18-year-old Holly Patterson of California last year, who died of septic shock caused by inflammation of the uterus.
Danco Laboratories' product, Mifeprex, now requires an expanded warning, informing consumers of rare, but potentially life-threatening complications that can follow any abortion.
But that is not enough fo
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St. Elizabeth of Hungary
St. Elizabeth was born in 1207 A.D., the daughter of King Andrew of Hungary. At age 14, Elizabeth was married to Louis of Thuringia, whom she loved deeply; she bore three children. She led a simple life of prayer, sacrifice and service to the poor and sick. Seeking to become one with the poor, she wore simple clothing. Daily she distributed bread to hundreds of the poorest in the land.
After six years of marriage, her husband died in the Crusades. She became a Third Order Franciscan and dedicated her life to serving the poor. St. Elizabeth died at the age of 24 in 1231 A.D.
St. Elizabeth is the patron saint of bakers, countesses, death of children, falsely accused, the homeless, nursing services, Catholic charities, tertiaries, widows, and young brides. Her symbols are alms, flowers, bread, the poor, and a pitcher.
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The New Doctor in Town
Just recently, a physician from New York relocated to Illinois to replace another doctor in his thriving medical practice. This is how the new doctor describes her "work":
"As I went through medical school, I knew that I wanted to work with women in ways that would empower them. My introduction to reproductive health was when I worked with B. H. as a fourth-year medical student, which was an amazing experience for me. On this rotation, I was surprised, however, to see that abortions were performed in the operating room, where the experience for the patients seemed so lonely, impersonal, and detached. As a family physician, I wanted to offer this procedure in ways that were more personal, caring, and supportive for the patient. I chose to do a fellowship in reproductive health so that I could learn not only how to perform terminations but also other aspects of family planning. I wanted to have training with which I could afford all women th
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Saint Gertrude the Great
Today, is the feast of two special saints – St. Margaret of Scotland and St. Gertrude the Great. I chose to write about St. Gertrude, who has a special place in my heart because my mother (who went to her Eternal Reward not long ago) selected Gertrude as her Confirmation name and, when she shared this with me, as a child, I wondered why she had chosen this particular saint’s name. I learned that both she and my mother had many things in common – a strong devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, a fervent love for the Eucharist, and much compassion for the poor souls in Purgatory.
St. Gertrude was born in born in Germany, January 6, 1256. We know nothing of her family background. We do know, however, that she was educated at the Abbey at Halfta from the age of five. She was an intellectually gifted student and a gentle, sensitive person. She had a charming personality and others drew to her like a magnet, yet she maintained a deep sense of humility.
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St. Albert the Great
St. Albert the Great, a Doctor of the Church, and brilliant scientist, was born in Germany in the early 1200’s. He was educated at the University of Padua, a scientific center, and joined the Dominicans as a young man. He taught theology at several schools, including the University of Paris, where he also earned his doctorate. He was teacher, guide, and mentor to St. Thomas Aquinas and became a defender of Thomas’s writings.
Albert had a reputation for possessing a broad range of knowledge and expertise in several areas of learning; hence, he was known as "Albert the Great". In addition to theology and biblical studies, he excelled in biology, chemistry, physics, astronomy, geography, metaphysics, and mathematics. It was in Cologne that he became a famous scientist. There, he conducted experiments in chemistry and physics in his laboratory and built up a collection of plants, insects, and chemical compounds that gave substance to his reputation.
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Scott Peterson Proclaims His Own "Death" Sentence
There seems to be much misplaced sympathy for a man who cheated on his wife, lied to her, lied to his girlfriend, lied to his mother, was an avid addict of pornography, and murdered his wife and his unborn son.
The people I have sympathy for are his family, Laci's family, Amber Frey, and all those whom he has deceived and hurt through his evil behavior. How outrageous that he put them through this horrible tragedy! Why did it happen? Was it pure selfishness? Is he a sociopath? Is he remorseful? What caused him to "lose it"?
I don't have answers to any of these questions, but I have been praying daily, asking God for His justice to prevail in this trial. Whether or not Scott gets the death sentence will be determined by the people on that jury and I pray that the Holy Spirit will guide them in making this difficult decision.
Either way, Scott Peterson has proclaimed his own death sentence. He w
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Pro-Life Groups Applaud Guilty Verdict in Scott Peterson Murder Trial
by Steven Ertelt Editor
November 12, 2004
Redwood City, CA ( -- Pro-life groups on Friday applauded the guilty verdict that convicted Scott Peterson of double murder in the trial over the deaths of his wife and unborn son, Laci and Conner Peterson. The Peterson case and controversy generated additional support for laws that protect pregnant women from acts of violence.
Carrie Gordon Earll of Focus on the Family said the Peterson verdict, "is further evidence of the growing shift in U.S. law regarding protection for all human life, including young humans who still reside in their mother's wombs."
California has an unborn victims law that allows prosecutors to charge criminals with two crimes when they kill or injure an unborn child in the course of an attack against the pregnant mother.
The outcry over the deaths of Laci and Conner also prompted Congress to pa
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St. Josaphat
St. Josaphat, an Eastern Rite bishop, is held up as a martyr to church unity because he died trying to bring part of the Orthodox Church into union with Rome.
St. Josaphat was born in Lithuania about 1580 into a Catholic family and early promoted Catholic unity in a country divided between Orthodox and Catholic. He entered the Byzantine monastery of Holy Trinity in Vilna in 1604 and was elected Catholic archbishop of Polotsk in 1614. While clinging firmly to unity with Rome, he firmly opposed those Latins who saw unity only in Latin terms and would suppress Byzantine traditions in the name of Catholic unity. He firmly opposed the Latinization of his people and made enemies and severe critics among the Latin clergy of Poland.
Politically, the Catholic and Orthodox clergy were rivals in Lithuania, and the archbishopric of Polotsk was one of the contested sees. An Orthodox archbishop of Polotsk was appointed, and Josaphat was accused of taking office invalidly. Many
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Bishop Doran Speaks out For Life
Bishop Doran from the Diocese of Rockford, IL is someone I can relate to when it comes to sharing his thoughts on abortion. Wouldn’t it be great if all our Bishops and priests would give a homily like this on Sundays? I have a little trouble understanding why they can’t. Is it out of fear of losing their parishioners or of losing their tithe? All I can say is that I am glad there are clergy out there who do speak up for life and I am especially thankful for Father Frank Pavone, Director of Priests for Life, and for Msgr. Reilly, Founder of the Helpers of God’s Precious Infants. Both have taught me what it means to stand at the foot of the Cross. Both have saved countless lives and souls. I pray that one day they will be united with those souls in Heaven.
The Observer
(Rockford, IL, November5, 2004)
Bishop Doran's Column
The disconnects plummet us into an unreal state
One of the regional newspapers in the diocese recently had an ar
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Prayer to Continue to Fight for God
Lord, if your people still have need of my services, I will not avoid the toil. Your will be done. I have fought the good fight long enough. Yet if you bid me continue to hold the battle line in defense of your camp, I will never beg to be excused from failing strength. I will do the work you entrust to me. While you command, I will fight beneath your banner.
~ St Martin of Tours, Italian Soldier, Hermit, Bishop
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The Sad Consequences of Submitting to the Culture of Death Not long ago, I received an unusual email from a homosexual male who was living with his "partner" who, for some strange reason, felt he had to justify his relationship to me. I suppose all my talk about the Bible, my Catholic pro-life views on the election, and my support of pro-life candidate Alan Keyes, made him feel a bit uneasy about his lifestyle. I also told him that the Christian hates the sin but loves the sinner, which he found difficult to grasp. In response to my comments, he wrote me an email a couple of weeks later, explaining that his relationship with his partner was based on "love", that they shared "love". His comments made me feel ill and I immediately said a prayer for him. I must be honest in saying that I feel sorry for someone who believes this lie and lives out this "sad" and "sinful" lifestyle which is so devoid of the beauty and sanctity of the cov
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St. Theodore Tyro
St. Theodore was a Roman soldier who converted to Christianity. Exposed as a Christian, the military tribunal decided he was a good soldier who had made a mistake, asked him to reconsider, and then set him free.
Theodore then promptly set fire to the pagan temple of the mother-goddess Cybele at Amasea (303 A.D.). When arrested again, he was ordered to renounce his Christian faith, but refused and persevered bravely; accordingly he was cast into a dungeon and his flesh ripped by iron hooks so that his ribs were exposed.
Here, during prayer one night, he was consoled by a miraculous appearance of the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus reassured Him, "Take courage, my servant Theodore, because I am with you." Our Lord also told Theodore that He Himself would nourish him invisibly. This visit filled him with such joy that he began to sing; and at the same moment, Angels in white robes appeared in his prison, to sing hymns of joy with him. The jailers and guardia
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Please contact your state senator, today and throughout the veto session and urge her/him to vote NO on HB 3589 - a bill to create the Stem Cell Research Act. This bill would set a state public policy to support the killing of new human embryos for research and in support of human cloning. As you may know, research from adult stem cells and newborn umbilical cord blood stem cells currently is helping treat dozens of diseases without destroying human lives and should be promoted instead!Call your State Senator at their Springfield office. You can reach your Senator by calling the State Operator at (217) 782-2000 and asking to be connected to their office or by going to this web address:
Again, urge her/him to vote NO on HB 3589. Tell her/him you oppose the killing of live human embryos and the promotion of human cloning in Illinois. With the elections over, the Illin
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Priests for Life Prayer To End Abortion
Although the election is over, the battle for life continues and we continue to pray and fast to end abortion in our world.
Prayer to End Abortion
Lord God, I thank you today for the gift of my life, And for the lives of all my brothers and sisters. I know there is nothing that destroys more life than abortion, Yet I rejoice that you have conquered death by the Resurrection of Your Son. I am ready to do my part in ending abortion. Today I commit myself Never to be silent, Never to be passive, Never to be forgetful of the unborn. I commit myself to be active in the pro-life movement, And never to stop defending life Until all my brothers and sisters are protected, And our nation once again becomes A nation with liberty and justice Not just for some, but for all, Through Christ our Lord. Amen!
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Quotes in Time of Trial
"O Jesus, Your little bird is happy to be weak and little."
-- St. Therese of Lisieux
"We must remember that all incapacity and distress is sent to us by God. Life and death, health and sickness are all ordered by Him; and in whatever form they come, it is always to help us and for our own good."
-- St. John Vianney
"A time of sickness is a time of grace. It is then that we reap a harvest for an eternity."
-- St. Marguerite Bourgeoys
~ Posted by Jean M. Heimann
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Springfield, IL (Nov 4, 2004) -- Women who abort unintended pregnancies are more likely to experience subsequent problems with anxiety compared to women who deliver their unintended pregnancies, according to a study published in the latest edition of Journal of Anxiety Disorders.
Using data collected from the National Survey of Family Growth (NSFG), researchers examined a nationally representative sample of 10,847 women aged 15-34 who had experienced an unintended first pregnancy and had no prior history of anxiety. After controlling for race and age at the time of the survey, researchers found that compared to women who carried the unintended pregnancy to term, women who aborted were 30 percent more likely to subsequently report all the symptoms associated with a diagnosis for generalized anxiety disorder (GAD).
If the excess cases found in the study are projec
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Rejoice in God, all the earth. Break forth in triumph and song!Sing to the Lord on the lyre, with the lyre and with music.With trumpets and the sound of the horn, sound jubilation to the Lord, our king.
-- Taken from Today's Morning Prayer
Thank you, Abba Father, for hearing the desires of our heart and for pouring out your tender love and mercy upon us. Help our President as he continues to lead our country. Give him strength and wisdom for the difficult tasks that lie ahead.
Thank you, Mother Mary, Our Lady of Guadalupe, sweet Mother of Victory, for your intercession in our humble request.
Thank you, St. Therese, St. John, St. Dominic, St. Jude, St. Joan of Arc, Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta, and Venerable Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen. Amen.
~ Posted by Jean M. Heimann
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Election Day
Today, I did as Fr. Frank Pavone suggested. I took the day off with the intention of working to get the vote out. All my campaign fliers were passed out, all the debates and rallies were attended, and all the phone calls, talks, emails, were completed. The editorials were written and published.
Today was judgment day, so what did I do? I woke up in pain, took some pain medication, and went back to bed. Initially, I felt like a failure, but then realized this was a blessing in disguise. I united my pain with our Savior's for the pro-life candidates and for an end to abortion.
When the pain subsided somewhat, I went to the polling place and voted, went to Eucharistic Adoration, offered to give someone a ride to the polls, and went to Mass. I served as a lector at Mass and when I came home, performed all my usual chores. I accomplished nothing outstanding, but was obedient to God's will.
I am at peace and thank you, Lord, for the grace to pray and to p
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Tomorrow is "Judgment Day" in America
Tomorrow is "Judgment Day" in America. God does not normally judge nations by sending down fire and brimstone. Rather, He judges them by allowing them to live with the consequences of their own choices. As our bishops have written, "We get the public officials we deserve. Their virtue -- or lack thereof -- is a judgment not only on them, but on us. Because of this, we urge our fellow citizens to see beyond party politics, to analyze campaign rhetoric critically, and to choose their political leaders according to principle, not party affiliation or mere self-interest" (Living the Gospel of Life, 34).
You may have worked very hard to prepare for this year's elections, and I thank you for that. But today and tomorrow are the days we have to work the hardest! I encourage you to make a fervent, prayerful, energetic final push, and get as many people as possible to vote for t
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