
Showing posts from January, 2014

Pope Francis will dedicate 2015 to the 'Year of Consecrated Life

It's official. The Vatican confirmed that Pope Francis will dedicate 2015 to the 'Year of Consecrated Life.' During this press conference, some key details were released. CARD. JOAO BRAZ DE AVIZ Prefect, Congregation for Consecrated Life "It's a great time to grow and deepen the faith. Part of this is driven by the hope and the certainty that consecrated life will never disappear from the Church.” Some details are still being sorted out, but the Congregation for Consecrated Life hopes the Pope will kick things off on November 2014 and conclude one year later. The goals will include reflecting on the unique role religious men and women have in the Church. Everything from their charisms to their challenges. Among them for example, why some decide to leave their vocation. According to recent data, out of 1,000 religious, about 2.5 leave their vocation. That breaks down to about 13,000 people between 2008 and 2012. CARD. JOAO BRAZ DE AVIZ Prefect, Congre

Seven Quick Takes

This has been an unusual week for me. It has been a week of waiting and intense intercessory prayer for many people. While things in one area of my life have been progressing, I have been patiently waiting for guidance and direction to move forward. I am not good at waiting and I am praying that the Holy Spirit set a fire under those I am waiting on or enlighten me promptly. I am praying in union with God's will, of course. I recently learned that someone I know has been going through a harrowing experience. She is a mother with seven children, who has a 10-year-old daughter with a rare disease of the autoimmune system. I have been praying day and night for this dear family, who have also been experiencing serious financial difficulties and multiple problems. I would just ask for your prayer support for this Catholic family. One Memorare or one Hail Mary would make an incredible difference for this family. Thank you! Last weekend we went to see the pro-life, pro-famil

The Future of the pro-life movement

St. John Bosco

January 31 is the feast of St. John Bosco (1815-1888), priest and patron of youth. John was born in Piedmont, Italy of a peasant family, and was brought up by his widowed mother. At age nine, he had a dream that predicted his vocation. In the dream, he was surrounded by a crowd of swearing and fighting children he attempted to pacify, first by reasoning with them verbally, then by hitting them. Then, suddenly a mysterious woman appeared who instructed him, “Softly, softly…if you wish to win them! Take your shepherds staff if you wish to lead them to pasture.” As she spoke the children transformed first into wild beasts, then into lambs. From this time on, John believed that it was his duty to lead and to help other boys. He began teaching the children of his village catechism, first amusing them with acrobatics and magic tricks, at which he became quite skilled. One Sunday morning, when John saw a traveling gymnast and juggler entertaining the children, he challenged him to a m

The Catholic Perspective on Yoga

Yoga is a topic I have written about in the past . It is continues to be a topic of controversy among Catholics today. Now, a Dominican priest shares his perspective on the topic. Yoga is hands-down — toes-up — one of the most popular forms of exercise in the world, including the United States. It is also controversial, eliciting strong reactions from enthusiasts and denouncers alike. Among Christians, perhaps the most commonly-heard question is, “Can I practice yoga?” or, said with a different emphasis, “I can practice yoga, right?” With a nod to modern practicality, in order to do justice to the question as well as to the questioner, we ought to consider a number of different issues. Continue reading.

Law professor appointed as advisor to Vatican City State

On Saturday, Jan. 25, Pope Francis appointed Vincenzo Buonomo, who has worked with the Holy See for over 30 years and is a dean at the Pontifical Lateran University, as an advisor to Vatican City. The appointment demonstrates the Roman Pontiff's balance between seeking the counsel of outside experts as well as those who have been long associated with Vatican structures. Buonomo has served as dean of the civil law department at the Lateran University since 2006, a department at which he began teaching in 1984. He has authored books and articles on international law and organizations, which have contributed to the protection of human rights and religious freedom around the world. He is office chief of the Vatican's delegation to the U.N. Organisations and Entities for Food and Agriculture, where he has served since 1993. And on Jan. 16, he assisted in presenting a Holy See report on children's rights to the U.N.'s child rights committee. Buonomo is also a membe

Pope asks Notre Dame university to become uncompromising witness on Catholic identity

Pope Francis welcomed on Thursday a large delegation from the University of Notre Dame, that filled most of the Vatican's Clementine Hall. The group's audience with the Pope marked the inauguration of their new education center in the heart of Rome. REV. JOHN JENKINS President, University of Notre Dame (USA) "We are proud to be a Catholic university, born from the heart of the Church, that strives to be a community of scholars and students devoted to the pursuit of the truth in harmony with faith.” In his prepared remarks, Pope Francis thanked the university for their work in educating young people, according to Catholic teachings. But he went further and tasked the university with becoming an "uncompromising witness” to the Church's moral teachings and its Catholic identity. POPE FRANCIS "This is important. Her own identity, as it was established from the start. Defend it, preserve it, in order to move forward.” Notre Dame is arguably the mos

Pope Francis: It's absurd to say you follow Christ, but reject the Church

In his Thursday morning Mass, the Pope talked about what it really means to belong to the Church. He said being a Christian isn't just about being Baptized and then going about life on your own. Instead, he said, it's about being part of God's community and being part of the Church. POPE FRANCIS "Being Christian without the Church doesn't make sense. That's why the great Paul VI, said that the most absurd dichotomy is loving Christ without the Church. To listen to Christ, but not the Church. To be with Christ, but stay at the margins of the Church. It's not possible. It's an absurd dichotomy.” Reflecting on today's readings, the Pope recommended following the example of King David, who accepted God's will even when he disagreed. For that to happen, explained the Pope, the humility is key. SUMMARY OF POPE'S MASS (Source: Vatican Radio) "Humility, faithfulness and prayer are the three signs of a Christian who belongs to the C

Vatican reacts to Rolling Stone's article on Pope Francis, calling it "superficial journalism"

The lengthy cover piece dedicated to Pope Francis in the February 13 edition of the popular Rolling Stone magazine has made its way around the world. The Director of the Press Office of the Holy See, Fr. Federico Lombardi SJ, praises the article’s appearance, saying, “[The piece] is a sign of the attention that the novelties of Pope Francis attract from many different quarters.” Fr Lombardi SJ goes on to say, “ Unfortunately, the article disqualifies itself, falling into the usual mistake of a superficial journalism, which, in order to shed light on the positive aspects of Pope Francis, thinks it needs to describe the pontificate of Pope Benedict in a negative way, and does so with a surprising crudeness. ” Fr Lombardi SJ adds, “This is not the way to do a good service even to Pope Francis, who knows very well what the Church owes to his predecessor.” Pope Francis: The Times They Are A-Changin' Source

St. Hyacintha Mariscotti

The saint of the day for January 30th is St. Hyacintha Mariscotti (1585-1640), a religious of the Third Order of St. Francis and foundress of the Sacconi, also known as the Oblates of Mary. Born of a wealthy, noble family near Viterbo, Italy, Hyacintha was pious in her early youth, but, as she grew older became frivolous, vain, and proud of her rank. When her younger sister married the man she desired as her spouse, she became disappointed and depressed. She sought refuge from her sorrows in a Franciscan convent. However, when she entered the convent, she refused to give up the luxuries of the world, but instead arrived at the convent with her own personal servants and chef. She came with a full supply of food, wore garments of the finest materials, and demanded a full suite of rooms, which she decorated lavishly. She received both male and female visitors at her pleasure. Thus, she lived a very worldly and luxurious life amid those who had pledged themselves to lives of poverty

Book Review- Bringing Lent Home with St. Therese of Lisieux: Prayers, Reflections, and Activities for Families

Using St. Therese of Lisieux as a spiritual guide, author Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle effectively assists families in experiencing a deeper spiritual growth and conversion during the holy and penitential season of Lent in Bringing Lent Home with St. Therese of Lisieux . The daily devotional begins with Ash Wednesday and ends with Easter Sunday, providing prayers, reflections, and activities for the entire family. Each day, the family gathers together in the morning or evening to read a quote from St. Therese, reflect on points to ponder, read a brief excerpt from the life of St. Therese, discuss and choose fasting and almsgiving suggestions, and pray a simple, yet poignant prayer.  In this way, the three essential components of the Lenten season are fulfilled: prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. I was very impressed with both the spiritual depth of this book for families, as well as the practicality of the format. As a Doctor of the Universal Church, whose spiritual doctrine consis

Pope Francis: Confirmation gives us the strength to defend the faith

VATICAN CITY – In his Wednesday audience, Pope Francis reflected on the sacrament of Confirmation, explaining to Christians that this sacrament is intrinsically linked to their Baptism, and fortifies their relationship with the Church. “[Confirmation] unites us more firmly to Christ,” the Pope said in his Jan. 29 general audience. “It strengthens our relationship with the Church, and it gives us a special strength from the Holy Spirit to defend the faith, and confess the name of Christ.” Continue reading.

Fr. Barron answers: How Should I Discern the Priesthood?

Artist introduces 'Super Pope'

Pope Francis was officially proclaimed a superhero. His weapons include a rosary hanging around his neck, and a briefcase pack with values, and even a scarf of his favorite soccer team's colors. This piece of street art depicting the Pope in mid-flight popped up in Borgo Pio, a neighborhood right next to the Vatican, and it caught people's attention quick. The artist, signed as "Maupal”, expressed why he designed Pope Francis as a superhero. MAURO PALLOTTA "Maupal,” Urban Artist "To me, he's the only man in power in the world, one of the few, that is now using his power for the people, to do good. He does it with facts, without regard to what anyone else thinks of the Church or religion. I think he's taken up the role of a superhero.” The Roman artist said his piece would be incomplete without the scarf of the San Lorenzo de Almagro soccer club. And it's no coincidence that it peeks out from the Pope's suitcase, full of values. MAURO

Dozens of Christians killed in Nigeria, during Sunday Mass

Nigerian authorities are looking into a deadly attack that left at least 22 people dead in northeastern Nigeria. The victims were attending Sunday Mass, when bombs were set off in their Christian parish. That same day yet another attack took place in a different Nigerian village, where an additional 52 people were killed. Islamist militants known as 'Boko Haram' are being blamed for both incidents. The extremist group has been linked to several violent and deadly attacks in the past five years.

St. Gildas the Wise

The saint of the day for January 29th is St. Gildas the Wise, a sixth century British monk. Gildas was born in Scotland around the year 516 to a noble British family. He was educated in Wales under St. Iltut, and was a companion of St. Samson and St. Peter of Léon. Noted for his piety,Gildas was well educated, and was not afraid of publicly rebuking contemporary monarchs, at a time when libel was answered by a sword, rather than a Court order. He lived for many years as an ascetic hermit on Flatholm Island in the Bristol Channel. Here he established his reputation for that peculiar Celtic sort of holiness that consists of extreme self-denial and isolation. At around this time, according to the Welsh, he also preached to Nemata, the mother of St David, while she was pregnant with the Saint. In about 547 he wrote De Excidio Britanniae ( The Ruin of Britain ) . In this he writes a brief tale of the island from pre-Roman times and criticizes the rulers of the island for their l

Breaking: House passes ‘No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act’

By Dustin Siggins, LifeSite News  By an overwhelming margin of 227-188, the U.S. House of Representatives has passed H.R. 7, the “No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act.” Passed through the House Judiciary Committee on January 15, the Act would permanently enact several pro-life policies. The most prominent of these is the Hyde Amendment, which prohibits federal funding for abortion except in cases of life of the mother, rape, and incest. Currently, the Hyde Amendment is approved annually. H.R. 7 also prevents federal funding of health plans that include coverage for elective abortions, and eliminates federal funds for use by the District of Columbia for abortions except for so-called “non-elective” abortions, among other changes to current law. Rep. Chris Smith, R-NJ, introduced H.R. 7 in 2013 with Democratic Representative Dan Lipinski of Illinois. Lipinski was one of six Democrats to vote in favor of H.R. 7. One Republican, Richard Hanna of New York, voted against the legis

Pope Francis: Praising God not just for Charismatics, but for all of us

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis celebrated Mass on Tuesday morning in the Vatican’s Casa Santa Marta residence. Following the readings of the day, the Holy Father spoke about the proper attitude of the Christian at prayer. Reflecting on the episode from the Second Book of Samuel, which was read at Mass, in which “David danced with all his might before the Lord,” Pope Francis recalled that the whole people of Israel were celebrating because the Ark of the Covenant was returning home. He went on to say that David’s prayer of praise, “led him to move beyond all composure,” adding, “this was precisely a prayer of praise.” Explaining that the passage caused his thoughts to turn to Sarah, Abraham’s wife, who, after giving birth to her son, Isaac, said, “The Lord made ​​me dance with joy.” He said that it is easy to understand a prayer of petition – asking something of the Lord – and prayer of thanksgiving, as well. Even prayer of adoration, he said, “is not so difficult,” to understand.

Saint Thomas Aquinas

Today is the feast of Saint Thomas Aquinas, a 13th century Dominican priest, philosopher, and theologian. As a Doctor of the Church, he has been given the title "Angelic Doctor" and is the patron of Catholic universities and schools. St. Thomas ranks among the greatest writers and theologians of all time. His most important work, the Summa Theologiae, an explanation and summary of the entire body of Catholic teaching, has been standard for centuries, even to our own day. St. Thomas reflected the Dominican ideal. He was a true contemplative who shared the fruits of contemplation with others. Born of a noble family in southern Italy, Thomas was educated by the Benedictines. He was a superior student and surpassed his classmates in learning as well as in the practice of virtue. When he became old enough to choose his state of life, Thomas renounced the things of this world and chose to enter the Order of St. Dominic in spite of the opposition of his family, who had expect

Prayer to Saint Thomas Aquinas for Catholic Schools

Saint Thomas Aquinas, you are called by Holy Mother Church, the Angel of the Schools. Your wisdom, gathered through long meditation from the source of all wisdom, the most Holy Trinity, has long been a shining light in the Catholic Church. Ignorance of the things of God is a darkness now enveloping the minds of many of our countrymen. In this darkness, we need an angel like you who will protect, foster, and nourish the schools we have, and guide and strengthen us in establishing and building newer and more adequate schools for the instruction of our children in the ways of Christ. Help and bless the generous sisters, brothers, and priests who labor so unselfishly in the classroom to spread the knowledge of Christ. Inspire our Catholic men and women to be most generous in the support of the schools we have. Grant to parents the wise generosity they need to give their child back to God when that child wishes to follow a priestly or religious vocation. Help us, Saint Thomas, Angel of


 Servant of God Madre Margherita De Brincat, foundress of the Congregation of the Franciscan Sisters of the Sacred Heart. Vatican City, January 27, 2014 (VIS) – The Holy Father today received in audience Cardinal Angelo Amato S.D.B., prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints. During the audience he authorized the promulgation of decrees concerning the following causes: MARTYRDOM - Servant of God Pietro Asua Mendia, Spanish diocesan priest, killed in hatred of the faith in Liendo, Spain in 1936 . HEROIC VIRTUES - Servant of God Giuseppe Girelli, Italian diocesan priest (1886-1978). - Servant of God Zacarias of St. Theresa (ne Zacarias Salterain Viscarra), Spanish professed priest of the Order of Discalced Carmelites (1887-1957). - Servant of God Marcelle Mallet, Canadian foundress of the Sisters of Charity of Quebec (1805-1871). - Servant of God Maria Benita Arias, Argentine foundress of the Servants of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament (1822-1894). - Servan

Walk for Life West Coast: Largest Pro-life Group in San Francisco Ever (Photos + Videos)

(Photo : Gospel Herald) Some 60,000 pro-life people lined the streets of San Francisco on Saturday for the West Coast Walk for Life — a way for pro-life Americans in the western United States to show their opposition to abortion. Starting in 2005, with 7,500 participants the Walk has grown in both attendance and diversity each year, until it is now the second largest pro-life event in the United States.  Continue reading. Best Photos here , here , here, and here. Here's full coverage video of the Walk for Life from EWTN:

Doves released from papal window...other birds not too happy about it

Watch the video until the end. On Sunday, after Pope Francis led the Angelus, two children released two white doves, as thousands of pilgrims looked on from St. Peter's Square. Moments later though,  the doves were attacked by a black crow and then a seagull. Eventually they were able to break free. A similar scene played out last year when Benedict XVI released the doves from his studio window.

Pope Francis: the role of women in the family is 'indispensable'

Pope Francis spoke out once again about the importance of the "feminine genius.” This time, before a large delegation from the Italian Women's Center, a women's association, which closed their yearly national gathering at the Vatican. During his speech, the Pope reminded them that society and the labor force need a feminine touch. He added that he also wants women to have a more "capillary and incisive” role in the Church. POPE FRANCIS "Over the span of these decades, alongside other cultural and social transformations, the identity and role of the woman in the family, in society and in the Church, has seen notable changes, and over all, the participation and responsibility of women has continued to grow.” The Pope also said that the role of women in family life is "indispensable.” Especially because of their sensibility towards the weakest and defenseless family members. He closed off saying that discernment and prayer are the path to balance wo

St. Angela Merici

March 27th is the optional memorial of St. Angela Merici, the foundress of the Ursulines. Angela was born on March 21, 1474 at Desenzano, Lake Garda, Italy and died on January 27, 1540 in Brescia. Angela’s parents died when she was only ten years old. Together, with her older sister, she moved to the nearby town of Salo, to live with her uncle. When her sister died quite suddenly without receiving the last sacraments, Angela was deeply upset. At the age of 15, she became a Franciscan tertiary and greatly increased her prayers and sacrifices for the repose of her sister's soul. She asked God to reveal to her the condition of her deceased sister and He answered her prayer by showing her through a vision that her sister was in Heaven. When her uncle died, she returned to live at Desenzano to make a life for herself. She was convinced of the need for women to be educated in their faith and converted her home into a school where she daily gathered all the girls of Desenzano and

Profile of the New US Religious: 37-year-old cradle Catholic who regularly takes part in Eucharistic adoration

The typical religious who professed perpetual vows in 2013 is a 37-year-old cradle Catholic who has three or more siblings and who regularly prayed the Rosary and took part in Eucharistic adoration before entering religious life, according to a survey released by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. 460 (56%) of the major superiors of US religious institutes responded to the survey, which was conducted by the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA). These 460 superiors reported that 107 men and women professed perpetual vows in 2013. Of the 107, 11 newly-professed brothers and 69 newly-professed sisters responded to the survey. 87% of the institutes reported no professions of perpetual vows, while 3% report two or more newly-professed religious. Among the survey’s findings: 28% of newly-professed men and women religious came from families with five or more siblings; 19% have four siblings, 14% have three siblings, 24% have two siblings, 11% have on

Supreme Court gives Little Sisters temporary protection from contraception mandate

By John-Henry Westen on Jan 24, 2014 Despite the best efforts of the Obama Administration, the Supreme Court of the United States decided on Friday afternoon to temporarily block enforcement of the Affordable Care Act on behalf of the Little Sisters of the Poor. The new ruling allows the religious order to avoid the crushing penalties of failing to adhere to the mandate while their legal challenge proceeds by informing the HHS in writing that they are a non-profit group “that hold themselves out as religious and have religious objections to providing coverage for contraceptive services.” The ruling comes after lawyers for the nuns pointed out that in order to claim their exemption, the administration is requiring the nuns to sign a “permission slip” that would allow their insurance company to offer coverage of contraception, abortion-inducing drugs, and sterilization over the nuns' objections. The Sisters argue that participating in the process in any way would make them

Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul, Apostle

Happy Feast day of the Conversion of St. Paul! The conversion of Saul, persecutor of the early church, was of pivotal importance for the worldwide development of Christianity. Paul means much for our faith and for the New Testament. Today we celebrate that significant event on the road to Damascus when Saul, fallen to amazement at a great light from heaven, spoke with the risen Savior and arose as Paul, to become the Apostle to the Gentiles. Paul was born at Tarsus, the capital of Cilia around 4 A.D. A Jew, he spoke Greek and he held Roman citizenship. He belonged to the tribe of Benjamin and was given the name Saul at the time of his circumcision. As a Roman citizen from birth, he also had the Latin name Paul. He learned to be a tent maker from his father, or rather to make the material of which the tents were made (goat's wool or linen fibers).  At the age of 12 or 13, he left home and was sent to Jerusalem to be educated by Rabbi Gamaliel the Elder, where he acquired a gr

Thousands 'March for Life' In Freezing Temperatures

You may not have heard about it – the broadcast networks gave it only 46 seconds of news time – but hundreds of thousands of anti-abortion protesters from all walks of life gathered on the national mall Wednesday to march to the Supreme Court. Continue reading. Related: The best photos from the 2014 Washington March for Life Tens of thousands brave the cold to March for Life Pope Francis Tweets his support of March for Life

The best photos from the 2014 Washington March for Life

Couldn't make it to the March for Life in Washington this year? No problem. has you covered. Their slide show includes 101 photos of the 2014 Washington March for Life.

Pope's Mass: Want to solve a problem? Dialogue is the best solution

During his daily morning Mass at the Vatican, Pope Francis talked about the importance of dialogue. He asked all Catholics to engage in it,  to solve problems. POPE FRANCIS "It’s important to not let time too much time pass after a storm, after a problem. It’s important to engage in dialogue as soon as possible, because time allows the walls of resentment to grow taller, just as weeds grow taller and get in the way of the corn. When our walls grow tall, reconciliation becomes so difficult!" The Pope admitted that dialogue isn't always easy, but a  good way to start, he said is by embracing humility. SUMMARY OF POPE'S MASS (Source: Vatican Radio) "Christians must build bridges of dialogue, not walls of resentment. These were the words of the Holy Father at Mass on Friday morning in the Vatican’s Casa Santa Marta. Pope Francis reflected in his homily on the conflict between King Saul and David which is the focus of the day’s Old Testament reading. At

Overnight explosion and bomb threat temporarily paralyze St. Peter's Square

St. Peter's Square completely empty. It was an unusual sight, but security was tight on Friday morning, after the Vatican received an anonymous bomb threat. Police presence was reinforced and even helicopters were hoovering atop the Vatican. "I saw a bunch of police cars coming in towards the Vatican as well as a helicopter. So I just got  on my phone and I searched for Rome news and found that there had been an explosion recently, nearby.” The explosion didn't happen at the Vatican, but rather near a French church in Rome: The Saint Yves des Bretons. No one was hurt, but three cars and a nearby building were damaged. What caused even more alarm though, is that it happened just a few hours before the Pope met with French President, François Hollande. While the meeting was taking place, tourists were kept at bay. "Yeah we heard about the explosion near a French church in Rome. It does cause concern of course, but we just have to hope that it's nothing

Seven Quick Takes: New Year, New Surprises

This is my super-quick edition!  1. My biggest surprise for the New Year was a new car! After being without my own set of wheels for over two years, I now own a 2005 Oldsmobile LeSabre, thanks to my dear husband, who is making the payments for now. Free at last! 2. I have been doing pretty good on my New Year's resolution to work out daily and eat more healthy, less filling meals. Since the beginning of the year, I have lost eight pounds! 3. A new modem has me working faster and communicating more quickly to friends and readers on the Internet. Praise God! 4. I have been working on some new writing projects and hope to be able to share more with you soon. I am pumped up for these. This is the year for publishing! 5. Tonight is Girl's Night Out,which I am so looking forward to! Some time with my lady friends for conversation is therapeutic and vital. 6. I am really looking forward to watching the new pro-family, pro-life film Gimme Shelter at the theaters this we

St. Francis de Sales

St. Francis de Sales (1567-1622), a theologian and the patron saint of writers has long been my mentor and model, and one of my most powerful intercessors. As a theologian and writer, I look to him for guidance and for assistance in my work. His unique methods of evangelization have also greatly inspired me. Francis was born at the Chateau de Sales in Swiss Savoy (modern France) on August 21, 1567, to a noble family. He was a frail and delicate child, but very intelligent, humble, kind, loving, patient and gentle, obedient, and truthful. At the age of thirteen, Francis studied theology at the University of Paris and immediately afterward earned a doctorate in law. His father desired that he become a lawyer and politician. However, he felt called to the priesthood and was ordained during the time of the Protestant Reformation. The Catholic Church at this time was losing many of its parishioners to the new churches of the Protestant Reformation and Francis set out to restore Cath

Lila Rose and Ilyse Hogue debate abortion on CNN Crossfire

TERRIFIC PERFORMANCE on CNN's "Crossfire" by Lila Rose, President of   Live Action,  in defense of unborn human life.  Watch, listen, and learn.

Pope Francis on World Communications Day: Slow Down, Engage and Help

The Vatican released Pope Francis' first message for the World Communications Day. In line with the main themes of his pontificate, the focus is on using modern methods of communication to build "authentic encounters.” With the Internet and social networks dominating the way people reach out to others, the message calls on people to go beyond just connecting with each other. MSGR. CLAUDIO MARIA CELLI Pontifical Council for Social Communications "There is an avalanche of communications: messages, sounds, everything. And it's sometimes hard for humankind to decide which of these messages can best serve them in their search for the truth.” The message conveys two central concepts. The first is proximity, or being neighborly, with one another. In his message, Pope Francis uses the parable of the Good Samaritan to explain how it applies to the way we communicate today. He said that, just like the Good Samaritan took responsibility for the wounded person, it is

Fr. Barron: Anti-Catholic Prejudice

St.Vincent of Saragossa

The saint of the day for January 23 is St.Vincent of Saragossa, deacon and martyr. St. Vincent of Saragossa was one of the Church's three most illustrious deacons, the other two being Stephen and Lawrence. He is also Spain's most renowned martyr. Ordained deacon by Bishop Valerius of Saragossa, he was taken in chains to Valencia during the Diocletian persecution and put to death. From legend we have the following details of his martyrdom. After brutal scourging in the presence of many witnesses, he was stretched on the rack; but neither torture nor blandishments nor threats could undermine the strength and courage of his faith. Next, he was cast on a heated grating, lacerated with iron hooks, and seared with hot metal plates. Then he was returned to prison, where the floor was heavily strewn with pieces of broken glass. A heavenly brightness flooded the entire dungeon, filling all who saw it with greatest awe. After this he was placed on a soft bed in the hope that leni

Consider this... Gov. Cuomo: No Room for Pro-Life

Bishop Richard J. Malone addresses Governor Cuomo's comments about pro-life extreme conservatism.

Tens of thousands brave the cold to March for Life

Students from Benedictine College in Kansas carry the March for Life sign at the head of the March, Jan. 22, 2014. Credit: Addie Mena/CNA. Tens of thousands of pro-life activists endured frigid temperatures and a snow storm Wednesday as they gathered at the National Mall in Washington, D.C., to mark the 41st anniversary of the landmark Roe v. Wade ruling that has prepared the way for an estimated 56 million abortions. In past years the march has drawn crowds estimated between 400,000 and 650,000 . However, the winter storm that blew through Washington on Tuesday led to cancellations of numerous buses and planes, creating a visible drop in numbers at this year's rally and march. The Philadelphia archdiocese, for instance, canceled all of their buses. Continue reading. Related Stories : Hundreds of Thousands of Pro-Lifers March for Life: Mourn 56 Million Abortions Youth travel through storms to give witness at March for Life VIDEO: 41 YEARS AFTER ROE, THE ABORTION

Pope Francis Tweets his support of March for Life

Pope Francis sent his support for the March for Life in Washington, where thousands of pro-life supporters marched in Washington  D.C. today for the 41st annual event. The March is held each year on the anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion throughout the country. The tweet, published in English and Spanish, reads, “I join the March for Life in Washington with my prayers. May God help us respect all life, especially the most vulnerable”.

Prayer to end abortion

Lord God, I thank you today for the gift of my life, And for the lives of all my brothers and sisters. I know there is nothing that destroys more life than abortion, Yet I rejoice that you have conquered death by the Resurrection of Your Son. I am ready to do my part in ending abortion. Today I commit myself       Never to be silent,       Never to be passive,       Never to be forgetful of the unborn. I commit myself to be active in the pro-life movement, And never to stop defending life Until all my brothers and sisters are protected, And our nation once again becomes A nation with liberty and justice Not just for some, but for all, Through Christ our Lord. Amen! ~ written by Fr. Frank Pavone

Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children

January 22 is the anniversary of Roe v. Wade and the day established by the Church of penance for abortion, has been formally named as the “Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children.” In all the Dioceses of the United States of America, January 22 is to be observed as a particular day of prayer for the full restoration of the legal guarantee of the right to life and of penance for violations to the dignity of the human person committed through acts of abortion. Today is the forty-first anniversary of the U. S. Supreme Court decision Roe v. Wade. The horror of a single human life being deliberately taking is compounded by the sanction of such an act by the government and so many of its politicians (many of whom assert that they are Catholics). The bishops of our nation have asked all Catholics to fast and do extra penance today as a small reparation for the millions of abortions committed in our country, and for the legal approval of these actions. Those who op

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