Papal Challenge
I found the perfect way to relax between election novenas and activities and I did it -- I took the Papal Challenge. Check out your Pope IQ. Take a Quiz on the Holy Father at this link.
Priesthood Sunday
Today is Priesthood Sunday. Show appreciation for a priest that you know by writing a letter of thanks and gratitude.
For more ideas, take a look at this site .
~ Posted by Jean M. Heimann
Showing posts from October, 2004
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What Can You Do Between Now and Election Day?
I have spent the past few hours reading the varous emails I have received regarding election day and many of them were very good. I especially liked the one from Catholic Exchange comparing the next three days to the Easter Tridium and encouraging prayer and fasting in preparation for this crucial election. The following email really spoke to me, as I pray that it will to you.
Dear Committed Christian:
Something very close to your heart and mine will be decided next Tuesday, on Election Day.
Fate will be sealed for millions of precious babies.
But you can help them, beyond just voting, by committing right now to a simple series of steps, especially with your Catholic friends:
1. Ask them how they're feeling about the upcoming election.
2. Gently, lovingly, ask them how they feel about John Kerry's position on abortion.
3. If he or she is leaning toward voting for John Kerry, here are several key po
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Mel Gibson Speaks Against Human Embryo Cloning Research
on ABC ( HOLLYWOOD, The California ballot measure, proposition 71, which would see 3 billion in taxpayer dollars go to support human embryonic stem cell research, has met an enemy inHollywood star and famed director Mel Gibson. Speaking on ABC's 'Good Morning America' today, Gibson explained that while he is in favor of adult stem cell research he opposes destructive research on embryos and cloning of human embryos for research.
"I'm very concerned with the stem cell question. I'm for stem cell research, I think it can do a lot of good. When I heard about proposition 71 to promote stem cell research I was overjoyed, because it can do so much good. But then I began to look deeper into the proposition and I found that the cloning of human embryos would be used in the process and that, to me, I have an ethical problem with that," he said. Gibson wondered aloud, "Why
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Protect the Sanctity of Marriage
October 28, 2004
( Peoria, IL) Tonight's WEEK ten o'clock news featured a segment in which Gina Morris interviewed a "couple" in their home who are very annoyed with Alan Keyes. The "couple" are two men who think they should be able to marry and are angry with Keyes for not supporting legislation that would allow homosexuals to do so. Keyes believes that marriage can only be defined as the union between one man and one woman.
Unfortunately, there are more of these same sex unions that exist in this area than most of us realize or want to acknowledge. And, not only are they publicly proclaiming their homosexuality, but they are demanding their "right " to have their "unholy union " blessed and legalized under the guise of marriage.
Barack Obama supports the legalization of these unions. He has in fact said, " I will oppose any proposal to amend the Constitution to ban gays and lesbians
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Third Debate Affirms First Two: Keyes Wins Again
(CHICAGO, OCTOBER 26) -- Keyes 2004 campaign manager Bill Pascoe, reacting to Alan Keyes' clear win in tonight's second televised debate against Barack Obama, released the following statement:"The third and final debate is over, and the score is clear: it's three straight wins for Alan Keyes and the voters of Illinois."Once again, Alan demonstrated that he is clearly in tune with the voters of Illinois, while Barack Obama is outside the mainstream: on issue after issue -- whether it was winning the war on terror, deciding how best to advance educational reforms to improve the schooling of our children, seeking and achieving energy independence, defending traditional marriage, or working to get better trade deals for our workers and farmers -- Alan showed his stuff, and the voters of Illinois are the better off for it.
"Barack Obama, by contrast, showed his be-everything-to-everyone style yet again. He s
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Quote of the Day
"In 2000, I voted for the first time, because I wanted to vote for President Bush. I am the former 'Jane Roe' of the Supreme Court's abortion decision Roe vs. Wade, and I am writing this note in my personal capacity, not as the representative of any organization. This year I am going to vote to re-elect President Bush, because he is committed to the cause of life and wants our nation to make room to welcome and protect every unborn child. Unless we do that, we can never have a world of social justice. I urge all my pro-life friends to likewise vote for the President."
-- Norma McCorvey, Former "Jane Roe," Roe vs. Wade
Source: Illinois Federation of Life Daily
~ Posted by Jean M. Heimann
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Third and Final Debate a Victory for Keyes
Three Strikes and You're Out, Obama!
I have just returned home from Chicago where I viewed the third and final historic debate between Alan Keyes and Barack Obama. This was the best debate ever, as Obama proved by his answers to the questions presented to him that he does not practice what he believes in regard to his Christian beliefs on marriage. He convicted himself with his own words.
Obama appeared dull and dim-witted next to Keyes, unable to think logically, responding "Yes" to a question when he meant to say "No" and not realizing his mistake until after the interviewer pointed it out to him. Long pauses, frequent hesitations and answering some of the questions in a vague, incoherent manner were all characteristic of Obama's performance tonight. Obama went into his usual "deceptive phony politician mode", but was not even doing that very well tonight. Instead, he was obviously transpare
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Former Vatican Diplomat Praises Bush International Policy in Letter to U.S. Bishops
Reveals that Bush prevented abortion being declared an international Human right by UN
WASHINGTON, October 25, 2004 ( - John Klink, a senior Vatican diplomat and negotiator from 1988-2001 who worked under Cardinal Renato Martino at the United Nations, has revealed the extent of President George W. Bush's efforts to defend life and family through the UN. In a letter sent to all U.S. Bishops, Klink describes how the U.S. under previous administrations was hostile to life and family but under President Bush immediately reversed its position to support life and family.
Klink warned that in 1999 abortion would have been enshrined as a fundamental human right at the United Nations "in the space of years, not decades," had there not been a radical shift in political leadership. Klink writes to inform the bishops of the underreported "pro-life/pro-family leadership
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Faith and Patriotism
By Denver Archbishbishop Charles J. Chaput
Full text of Op-ed in Oct. 22 New York Times
October 22, 2004
(Denver) The theologian Karl Barth once said, "To clasp the hands in prayer is the beginning of an uprising against the disorder of the world."
That saying comes to mind as the election approaches and I hear more lectures about how Roman Catholics must not "impose their beliefs on society" or warnings about the need for "the separation of church and state." These are two of the emptiest slogans in current American politics, intended to discourage serious debate. No one in mainstream American politics wants a theocracy. Nor does anyone doubt the importance of morality in public life. Therefore, we should recognize these slogans for what they are: frequently dishonest and ultimately dangerous sound bites.
Lawmaking inevitably involves some group imposing its beliefs on the rest of us. That's the nature of the
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Bush Speaks About 'Culture of Life' at Pennsylvania Campaign Rally Meets Privately With Roman Catholic Archbishop
(Kaisernetwork) President Bush on Thursday at a campaign rally in Hershey, Pa., spoke to a group of more than 23,000 supporters about the "culture of life" and criticized Democratic presidential nominee Sen. John Kerry's (Mass.) health plan before traveling to Philadelphia for a private meeting with Roman Catholic Cardinal Justin Rigali of Philadelphia, the Washington Times reports. During the rally, Bush said, "We stand for a culture of life, in which every person matters and every being counts." He also criticized Kerry for voting against the federal Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act (S 3) (Curl, Washington Times, 10/22).
During the rally, Bush also discussed his proposals for health savings accounts, tax credits and limits on medical malpractice awards, Long Island Newsday reports (Metz, Long Island Newsday, 10/22).
Bush said that m
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An Election Prayer to Our Mother
For the past several weeks, I have been praying the rosary as well as Father Frank Pavone's election prayer, but with early elections taking place, I think it's time to get out the big guns now. Here is an election prayer to Our Mother Mary from EWTN.
An Election Prayer to Mary
O most Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Mercy, at this most critical time, we entrust the United States of America to your loving care. Most Holy Mother, we beg you to reclaim this land for the glory of your Son. Overwhelmed with the burden of the sins of our nation, we cry to you from the depths of our hearts and seek refuge in your motherly protection. Look down with mercy upon us and touch the hearts of our people. Open our minds to the great worth of human life and to the responsibilities that accompany human freedom. Free us from the falsehoods that lead to the evil of abortion and threaten the sanctity of family life. Grant our country the wisdom to procla
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Prayer Evokes Images
As I was praying the following prayer during the Liturgy of the Hours today, certain images came to mind.
"Evil's flattering light disguises his wickedness, so that he does not hate it. His words are false and deceitful, he no longer considers how to do good. Even when in bed he plots mischief; he follows the wrong path; he does not hate malice."
Let us continue to pray for their conversion.
~ Posted by Jean M. Heimann
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Women take hard truth about abortion to the airwaves--Faces Of Abortion, Voices Of Abortion shows launched
To: National Desk
Contact: Anne Newman of Operation Outcry , 210-771-0757; Allan Parker of The Justice Foundation , 210-833-1119
Washington, DC, October 20 / Christian Wire Service /-- “America gave us a choice; now please hear our voice,” said Molly White, host of Faces Of Abortion, a television show featuring women hurt by abortion. Dedicated to being silent no more, they are sharing their stories of the devastation of abortion to them and their families. The cost has been high and long-lasting: unresolved grief, fear, shame, hopelessness, physical and emotional problems, broken relationships and marriages, and destructive and addictive behaviors. Research and personal accounts now document the tragic effects of abortion over 31 years since abortion became legal.
“Guests on these cutting-edge shows reveal the nation’s most tragic secret, giving a
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Feast of St. Issac Jogues
St. John de Brebuf, and Companions
Six Jesuit priests and two holy laymen, all from France, died as martyrs in North America between 1642 and 1649. They were valiant and daring missionaries who gave their lives to convert the Huron tribe.
St. Isaac Jogues was born in Orleans, France on January 10, 1607. In 1624, he was ordained a priest of the Society of Jesus. In 1636, he served as a missionary to the Huron Indians in Quebec, Canada.
He was later sent to the regions around the Great Lakes and lived in constant danger for six years. In 1642, he was tortured and imprisoned by the Iroquois. The Dutch at Fort Orange (Albany, New York) rescued him, and he returned to France in 1643. The following spring, St. Isaac Jogues was entrusted with a peace mission to his torturers, and left France for Quebec.
On September 24, 1646, en route to the Indian village of Ossernenon (Auriesville, New York) Isaac was captured by a Mohawk
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A "Reality Check" by Dr. Charles Krauthammer
In recent weeks, Senators John Kerry and John Edwards have made a number of sweeping statements regarding President Bush's policy against providing federal funds for research that would require killing human embryos. In the column below, Dr. Charles Krauthammer offers a valuable "reality check" on some of the Kerry-Edwards claims. He explains, for example, that "there are 3,500 shipments of stem cells waiting for anybody who wants them," developed from cells taken from embryos before President Bush's policy was adopted. Dr. Krauthammer, a winner of the Pulitzer Prize, is confined to a wheelchair due to a spinal cord injury he suffered as a medical school at age 22. For information regarding John Kerry's support for CREATING human embryos by cloning in order to harvest their stem cells, go to: THE WASHINGTON POST, Friday, October
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Feast of St. Luke the Evangelist
St. Luke (which means "light giving"), a native of Antioch in Syria, was known as the "beloved physician".
Tradition has it that he was also a painter. According to one legend, he painted several portraits of Our Lady, one of which is said to have been completed on the Holy Family's tabletop, built by St. Joseph. One thing we do know for certain about St. Luke is that he is the author of the gospel and the Acts of the Apostles. His gospel has been referred to as the most beautiful book in the world because of its artistic quality. It is a gospel of song and praise, prayer, and healing. In his gospel, St. Luke speaks of the power of God's forgiveness and mercy. He also emphasizes the love and reverence Jesus had toward the women in his life, in particular the great love and devotion he had for the Blessed Virgin Mary.
The Magnificat
My soul proclaims your greatness, O my God,and my spirit has rejoiced in you my Savi
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Alan Keyes
Alan Keyes is truly a man of high morals and integrity and more than worthy of our votes as U.S. Senator in Illinois. This interview with Ambassador Jeane Kirkpatrick from today's Illinois Leader provides further insight into his character and qualifications for the job.
GUEST OPINION: Ambassador Kirkpatrick Speaks Out on Alan Keyes
Saturday, October 16, 2004
- Ambassador Jeane Kirkpatrick
Jeane Kirkpatrick served as U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations during the Reagan Administration. She is currently a senior fellow at the American Enterpise Institute. Last week, Kirkpatrick was in town to show her support for the Senate candidacy of Republican Alan Keyes.
OPINION - Below are excerpts from a press conference from Thursday, 10/14, at which Jeane Kirkpatrick, former Ambassador to the United Nations under President Ronald Reagan, endorsed Alan Keyes' candidacy for U.S. Senate and offered her personal reflections on Keyes. Keyes worked for Kirkpatri
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Feast of St. Margaret Mary Alacoque
The Twelve Promises of the Sacred Heart to Saint Margaret Mary
1. I will give them all the graces necessary for their state of life.
2. I will give peace in their families.
3. I will console them in all their troubles.
4. They shall find in My Heart an assured refuge during life and especially at the hour of death.
5. I will pour abundant blessings on all their undertakings.
6. Sinners shall find in My Heart the source and infinite ocean of mercy.
7. Tepid souls shall become fervent.
8. Fervent souls shall speedily rise to great perfection.
9. I will bless the homes in which the image of My Sacred Heart shall be exposed and honored.
10. I will give to priests the power to touch the most hardened hearts.
11. Those who propagate this devotion shall have their name written in My Heart, and it shall never be effaced.
12. The all-powerful love of My Heart will grant to all those who shall receive Communion on the First Friday
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Is It a sin for Catholics to Vote for Kerry?
This was the topic of the "Unresolved Problem" segment of "The O'Reilly Factor" on Wednesday evening's Fox News, which featured Father Richard McBrien, theology teacher at Notre Dame University and Fr. Frank Pavone, the national director of Priests for life.
Father Frank Pavone is definitely a seasoned pro when it comes to dealing with questions from the media regarding abortion and politics. It was encouraging to see him stand up for life on a secular news program -- especially one where the guests are not always allowed to complete their sentences.
Father Frank is one of those inspiring people like Mother Teresa, Jill Stanek, and other pro-lifers I have known who have the strength and the courage to tell the truth in the midst of the deception that surrounds them and no matter how much they are persecuted for their beliefs. They are convinced that their witness can make a difference and it does. Two t
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Father Benedict Groeschel, my favorite Franciscan, is returning to EWTN. As an EWTN volunteer, I rejoice in the good news! Welcome back, Father!
EWTN Debuts New Live Show with Father Benedict Groeschel
Irondale, AL (EWTN) – EWTN announces the upcoming launch of the newest addition to its live show lineup, Sunday Night: Live with Father Benedict Groeschel. This exciting new live call-in show is slated to debut only ten months after the accident, which seriously injured the very popular author, speaker, and EWTN series host.
The show will debut on Sunday, October 24th at 7PM Eastern Time and will air weekly in that time slot. Similar in format and tone to the classically popular Mother Angelica Live “Family Night” program, Live with Father Benedict Groeschel offers the audience a chance to “chat" with Fr. Benedict on both timely topics and eternal ones. Each week he’ll do a little teaching, a little preaching while at the same tim
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But Kerry's a Catholic, Isn't He?
Someone asked me this question recently. Perhaps the following information will help you decide.
In 1984, Kerry Said He Would Vote Against “Any Restrictions On Age, Consent, Funding Restrictions, Or Any Law To Limit Access To Abortion.” (John Kerry As Quoted In “Mass. Senate Candidates Quizzed On Women’s Issues,” Sojourner: The Women’s Forum, 6/30/84)
Kerry Received 0% Ranking From National Right To Life Committee For 108th, 107th And 106th Congresses, And 7% Ranking For 105th Congress. (National Right To Life Committee Website, , Accessed 1/22/04)
Kerry Is First Presidential Candidate To Ever Be Endorsed By Planned Parenthood Action Fund. “The Planned Parenthood Action Fund endorsed Mr. Kerry yesterday, the first time it has endorsed a presidential candidate. Its leaders said the election was crucial to preserving access to abortion.” (Laurie Goodstein,
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Keyes --- A "Powerhouse" and Champion of Human Rights
The first of the Keyes - Obama debates manifested the genius of Alan Keyes. Keyes, a mesmerizing speaker who has been compared to Abraham Lincoln, certainly proved himself to be the "powerhouse" that Lincoln was at the Lincoln - Douglas debates.
Abolishing the federal income tax, encouraging fair trade to promote manufacturing jobs in Illinois, improving our 70- year-old locks and dams to maintain the transport system which supports our agriculture, improving Amtrak, and developing a south suburban airport were just a few of the innovative ideas he discussed in tonight's debate.
However, the major and most crucial differences between the U.S. candidates (although there are many) that I detected in listening to them both speak were their views on traditional marriage and human life. Keyes supports traditional marriage and believes that marriage can only be defined as a union between a man and woma
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Post-Abortion Stress Quiz
October is National Depression Education and Awareness Month. Consider sending this Post-Abortion Stress Quiz to your local print and/or broadcast media, with contact information for your local post-abortion healing organization.
Are You Suffering from Post-Abortion Stress?
1. Do you find yourself struggling to turn off feelings or memories related to your abortion(s)? Do you need take off reminding yourself to just forget it or put it behind you? Do you become uncomfortable around reminders of the abortion, such as being around babies or pregnant women, being in a doctor's office, or when hearing news reports about abortion?
2. Do you feel nervous or anxious at the idea of telling loved one about your abortion? Is your abortion a secret that is holding you back from greater intimacy with others? When you do choose to share your abortion experience with others, are you overcome with strong feelings such as anger, grief, or guilt? Is ther
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