What Crime Has Terri Committed?

What crime has Terri Schindler-Schiavo committed that she should receive the sentence of being starved to death by the Florida court system? She has reportedly been a good wife, a devoted Catholic, a loving and compassionate family member.

Who is her guardian? A callous man who physically abused her and may have even caused her current condition (as reported by her father on The World Over Live on EWTN, February 18, 2005), has reacted in a violent manner toward her sister, and has a common law wife with two children by her. He is someone who has used the money that was to be spent on Terri’s medical care to pay for his lawyers in order to have her put to death.

Why does the Florida court system not allow her to be cared for by a family who loves her and wants her to remain alive?

Why is Michael Schiavo not being judged and sentenced by the courts for his abusive behavior and for his bigotry? Why is he allowed to remain her guardian when he does not even care for her basic medical needs and provide the speech therapy, the physical therapy, and cognitive therapy she desperately needs?

Where are her rights? She is alive and alert, responsive and not in a coma, but because she cannot verbalize so that others can understand her clearly, she apparently has none. She is basically at the mercy of this man – her husband in name only – who wants her dead. He could walk away from the situation or he could divorce her, but he persists in his efforts to having her starved to death. Why?

Even a small child has the reasoning ability to determine what is going on in this situation. Why is it so difficult for the Florida courts to figure it out? Why is it that the courts are now the determiners of whether innocent people live or die? How did they get to be so powerful? Are not even murderers given a trial by a jury of their peers before they are sentenced to death?

When Scott Peterson decided he no longer wished to remain married to Laci, he murdered her and her unborn child, and even he was able to exercise his right to a fair trial by a jury of his peers.

I wonder why the law enforcement in the St. Petersburg / Tampa area have never investigated Michael Schiavo’s reported abusive behavior towards his wife? You would think that when a woman goes to the hospital in the condition that she was in that would be one of the first things they would do.

What kind of danger are Michael Schiavo’s current common law wife and children in? Are their lives also at risk?

It is never too late to admit guilt or to repent of wrongdoing in the past or in the present. It is never too late to admit that there is only one "GOD" and you are not Him. Yes, there is only one true God who is control of ALL life. We are all only finite creatures and we had better be careful if we try to abuse the responsibilities that God has entrusted to us as spouses, as lawyers, or as judges -- no matter what our vocation in life. It is never too late to admit your mistakes – no matter how grievous they are – and turn back to the Lord. A guilty conscience is the worst prison and torture anyone can ever experience. It is truly a living hell! Our God is a God of mercy, compassion, and forgiveness and He can forgive all men who turn back to Him with a humble and contrite heart to seek His Truth, His healing, and His mercy.

Lord, I pray that Michael Schiavo will turn back to you with his whole heart and relinquish the "power" he has over Terri’s life and place it in Your hands. I lift Him up to You and pray for his conversion. I pray that He will hear Your voice and that it will touch his heart and soul and move him to make good decisions and to do what is morally right. I pray for Terri – that she will receive the medical care she needs and will not be sentenced to death by starvation by the Florida courts. Lord, I pray in union with Your holy will for justice in this situation. Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on her! Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for her! Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta, pray for her! Amen.


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