Joke of the Day
(An oldie, but goodie)

How many does it take to change a light bulb?
PRESBYTERIANS: None. Lights will go on and off at predestined times.
PENTACOSTALS: Six. One to change it, and five to pray against the spirit of darkness.
MORMONS: Five. One guy to change it, and four wives to give him advice on how to do it (plus three wives who nagged him to do it in the first place).
METHODIST. You decide. You can be a light bulb, a turnip bulb, or a tulip bulb. (And remember to bring a covered dish.)
UNITARIANS: We choose not to make statement either in favor of or against light-bulb changing. If, on your own journey, you find light bulb changing works for you, fine. You are invited to write a poem or compose a modern dance to express your own light bulb changing reality at our next service, if you decide to come, not that it matters either way.
ZEN BUDDHISTS: Two. One to change the light bulb, and one to not change the light bulb.
AGNOSTICS. Two. One to change the light bulb, and one to doubt whether the power company really exists.
PANTHEISTS. Two. One to change the light bulb, and one to pray to it.
(Get it? One electrician. Ho ho! Yes, this is the one we made up.)
DOGS: None. Paws prove insurmountable obstacles to success.
CATHOLICS: None. Candles only.
SPAMMERS. Five hundred. And, after you change it, we GUARANTEE you will make $104,000 in less than three minutes if you click on Surefire Ways to Make Money Changing Light Bulbs Online, and as a bonus, lose at least 25 pounds before sun up tomorrow without dieting or exercise. Credit card please.
AMISH: What's a light bulb?


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