Expelled Student, Fired Clinic Escort - Faithmouse Weighs-In

Dan Lacey, author of Faithmouse, published the cartoon above in response to the expulsion of pro-life blogger Katelyn Sills (see StandUpSpeakOut) who wrote about the firing of a teacher from her Catholic High School. The teacher, Marie Bain, was released for her prior activities as a clinic escort at Planned Parenthood.
On her website, Katelyn reports that,
"As of Saturday, October 29th, I was given official notice by express mail that I am expelled from Loretto High School. This was given completely without forewarning, without a meeting, and without a chance to say goodbye. My family is now seeking legal advice, and more details will follow." Her family has also posted a brief statement here.
As an ex-clinic escort, Naaman covered the story from the beginning:
Fired Clinic Escort Files Complaints Against The Catholic Church For Being Consistent
Prolife blogger expelled
More About That Clinic Escort
Punish The Whistle-Blower?LifeSiteNews also has an article with more details including portions of a statement by Loretto High School and what is apparently a power struggle/turf war between the local Bishop and the school. Although the reasons for the expulsion are not entirely clear to me, it certainly has the appearance of retaliation against the Sills family for going over the school's head and lobbying the Bishop to bring about Bain's dismissal. It is really unfortunate that Katelyn, a 15 year-old pro-life dynamo, is caught in the middle.
Via Pro-life Blogs
As I said on your blog, Katelyn, you are wise beyond your years. You and your mother both acted appropriately in this situation and stood up for your Catholic beliefs. You do not deserve to be treated this way. I am lifting up you and your family in my prayers right now. God will guide you in this battle and give you His strength. God bless you!
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