Pope: Human Dignity - Right to Life Begins at "Fecundation"

VATICAN, November 21, 2005 (LifeSiteNews.com) - Pope Benedict XVI addressed participants in a Health Care conference at the Vatican Saturday, on the topic of the human genome. An analysis of scientific data, he said, reveals the dignity of human life "from the first moment of fecundation."

The statement is significant since it answers, for Catholics, questions surrounding the beginning of a right to life. Many, some Catholics included, have wondered about the stage at which the embryo deserves protection. Some have proposed that the morning after pill would avert abortion since it acts prior a modern definition of 'conception' which entails implantation of the embryo into the mother's womb.

The statement that human beings have human dignity from "fecundation" - defined as the moment the sperm and egg unite - is thus significant to pro-lifers. [Entire Story]

This should clear up any misconceptions that some Catholics seem to have, although whether or not it will make a difference in their behavior is yet to be seen. I love our Papa -- he says like it is!


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