Catholic Fire: A New Look for the New Year

I am fulfilling one of my New Year's resolutions by changing the appearance of this blog. I hope it is an improvement and that you like it. I like the format of this blog and it somehow seems a little sleeker and more professional looking than my old template. What do you think?

Please excuse the mess, while I make the necessary changes to update my blog. Hopefully, I will have everything perfectly organized in a short while.

Any suggestions you have for improvement or changes will be appreciated.


  1. I've always liked this template - it looks good on you! Clean and easy to read, yet elegant; sounds like the blogmistress! Still getting around to the meme, should have it up tomorrow night ;)

  2. Thanks, Rebecca, for sharing your opinion. I look forward to reading your meme.

    God bless you,

  3. Thanks for meme'ing me!


  4. I like the new look too, Jean, but I was fond of your last one too. But anyway, in with the new and out with the old and all of that -- and blessings on your 2006! :)

  5. I don't know about other readers, but this new format requires me to scroll down quite a bit (Past the archive links and blogroll) to get to the actual posts.

  6. I like it a lot. I would just suggest fixing the sidebar so that the posts would be at the top and we wouldn't have to scroll down so far.

    Otherwise, very nice.

  7. Thanks for your suggestions, everyone. With this specific format, I haven't found a way to adjust the sidebar so that the posts will appear at the top. I am sorry for the incovenience, but I suppose that is one of the disadvantages of using this template.

    One thing I do like that I think makes it handy to view posts is the recent post listings on the side. If you go to those, you can get to the posts very quickly.

    Thank you & God bless you,

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  9. I am still working on this to improve things, and I apologize that is not just right yet. I am going to try to get some technical help to see if I can get rid of those archives on the side. If not, I will just persist in trying to figure it out on my own. I spent several hours working on this on New Years Day, but perhaps I can find a few hours this evening to try and fix it.

    Since I am what I refer to as "TC" or technologically challenged, who knows what this will look like when I am through with it. LOL.

    God bless,

  10. Just take your time on getting it worked out, Jean. We don't expect it to be perfect overnight.

    I like the new look.

  11. Jean,

    It looks great now! Don't change a thing.


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