OR Calls For Nationwide Day of Fasting and Prayer on Monday for Grand Jury Abortion Death Investigation

Prayer Service will be held at KS courthouse on first day of Tiller Grand Jury investigation.

Wichita, KS - May 18, 2006 Operation Rescue is calling for a nationwide day of fasting and prayer on Monday, May 22, 2006, the day a Sedgwick County Grand Jury will convene to begin an investigation of criminal allegations against late-term abortionist George R. Tiller in the death of Christin A. Gilbert.
In addition, Operation Rescue will hold a public prayer service outside the Sedgwick County Courthouse at Noon on Monday to pray for the Grand Jury investigation.Christin Gilbert was a 19-year old Down syndrome Texas girl died who on January 13, 2005, of complications that occurred as a result of a botched third-trimester abortion received at Tiller's Women's Health Care Services in Wichita, Kansas.

An apparent cover-up into Christin's death began with the
911 call placed by an evasive abortion worker who summoned the ambulance for the dying girl, pleading with the emergency dispatcher, "Please! Please! Please! No lights and no sirens!"
Since then, Operation Rescue investigators worked tirelessly to uncover the truth about what happened to Christin, only to find evidence of a possible political conspiracy to absolve Tiller of any wrong- doing.

The scope of the Grand Jury investigation is not limited to the Gilbert case. The investigation may also probe other possibly illegal aspects of Tiller's abortion business
"We believe we need to humbly seek the favor of God Almighty on the day that the Grand Jury is scheduled to convene. We urge prayer for the judge and prosecutor to conduct a fair and impartial inquiry, and for the jurors to thoughtfully consider and investigate the appearance of impropriety surrounding Tiller and his abortion mill," said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman.

"We especially need to pray that those associated with Tiller politically, professionally, or socially will not be able to cover up for him, but that the full scope of his wrong-doing will be exposed."

"We urge men and women of faith across America to pray with us that abortionist Tiller will be held legally accountable for his actions that may have run urge men and women of faith across America to pray with us that abortionist Tiller will be held legally accountable for his actions that may have run afoul of existing Kansas statutes," said Newman."Christin Gilbert deserves at least that."

Abortionists must understand that they are not above the law."

Read more about Christin Gilbert's life and tragedy.


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