Miraculous Journey: An Inspirational Story for Father's Day

Miraculous journey – Father’s Day story of faith touches daughter

By Mary Carty
Catholic Online

BURLINGTON, Vt. (Catholic Online) – Father’s Day is a chance to look back and reflect on the gifts we each have received from the person we call dad. But sometimes, those remembrances go back years, decades or even generations.

The story of George that made the papers around the time of the Great Depression is just such a journey of faith that has currency today.

There was a young lad who was adventuresome and wondered near a place he had been warned not to go to. As he walked on an area of firm ground, the earth opened up and flames engulfed his legs, leaving them charred to the bone.

The doctor’s prognosis was dim: this 8-year old might not survive and should not be moved from his home. Modern burn treatment centers and burn therapies did not exist then.

His family cared for him and prayed for him. They prayed often, and George prayed as well.

The doctor was relieved that the patient survived the initial trauma, but announced that the legs may need to be amputated.


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