Pro-family legal groups applauding California court’s decision in favor of same-sex marriage ban

San Francisco, Oct. 06, 2006 (CNA) - Several pro-family legal centers are celebrating a ruling yesterday by the California Court of Appeals, which reversed a lower court’s 2005 decision redefining marriage to include same-sex couples.

The appeals court justices ruled that California's ban on gay marriage does not violate the constitutional rights of gays and lesbians nor is it discriminatory because the state's domestic partner law gives registered same-sex couples the same rights as married spouses in California.

The court also decided that it is not within its jurisdiction to create or to recognize new rights. The court agreed with the state's attorney general that it is up to the Legislature, and not the courts, to change the traditional definition of marriage.

“The respondents in these appeals are asking this court to recognize a new right,” the 128-page court opinion reads. “Courts simply do not have the authority to create new rights, especially when doing so involves changing the definition of so fundamental an institution as marriage.... Judges are not free to rewrite statutes to say what they would like, or what they believe to be better social policy.” [Entire Story]

Praise the Lord! We all know that a real marriage is between one man and one woman and their covenant relationship with God.
I am so happy these disordered and perverse relationships were not sanctioned by the state. Same sex relationships are not only a serious sin in God's eyes, but they mock real marriages and attempt to devalue that which is sacred and holy. They serve only to perpetuate the culture of death in our society. Let us pray that those who suffer from same sex attraction will seek the help they so desperately need from groups like Courage so they can return to a life of grace in the Lord. Lord, have mercy on these suffering souls.


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