The Wedding Feast at Cana

“At the beginning of his public life, at the marriage of Cana, when the Son of God works the first of his signs, awakening faith in the disciples (cf. John 2:11), it is Mary who intervenes and directs the servants towards her Son in these words: ‘Do whatever he tells you’ (John 2:5).” (ECCLESIA IN AMERICA; John Paul II, January 22, 1999)

Fr. Philip N. Powell, OP posts an interesting reflection on today's readings at Domine, da mihi hanc aquam! I also enjoyed reading the reflection on today's gospel written by AdoroTeDevote entitiled Do Whatever He Tells You.

The first poem on this week's Pavel Chichikov poetry site The Wedding Feast at Cana. There is a great Mp3 format audio attached.


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