CDC to STD vaccine maker: 'Back off'

A new report has revealed that Merck & Co., which was lobbying aggressively for all states to impose laws requiring that young girls be vaccinated against a sexually transmitted disease with its vaccine, was told by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to back off.

According to a Washington Times report, Dr. Jon Abramson, of the CDC's advisory committee on immunization practices, said the message was given to Merck officials.

"I told Merck my personal opinion that it shouldn't be mandated," Abramson told the newspaper. "And they heard it from other committee members." The company's intensive lobbying campaign to require the vaccine in order to be allowed to attend school should be dropped, the company was told.

My Comments:

Good for you, Dr. A. It is obvious that Merck has been pushing for this primarily for their own monetary gain. HPV is not like the measles - it is contracted only through sexual contact and contrary to what the liberal media reports or should I say twists and distorts, many of our children today are not sexually active. They are not at risk for this disease as they are for measles. It is not normal for a child in elementary school or junior high to be sexually active. Although some teenagers are sexually active in high school, it is inappropriate and is emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually damaging to to the teen. It should be up to the parents to take responsibility for this and it should definitely not be made mandatory by the state, but be up to the individual discretion of the parents.

Before parents decide whether or not they want their child to have this vaccination, it would be a good idea to learn more about it. Judie Brown educates us on the side effects of the vaccine here.

If there is such a strong concern about sexually transmitted diseases, then the educational system needs to take a look at abstinence / chastity education and pulling Planned Parenthood out of the schools.


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