Obama pulls out of Fox News debate; turns back on Blacks

Partial Birth Abortion and homosexual rights advocate Barack Obama has chosen not to attend September's Democratic presidential primary debate co-sponsored by the Congressional Black Caucus Institute and Fox News, an aide said, effectively dooming the event.

Ben Smith of the Politico reports on Obama's actions:

Obama is the only member of the Congressional Black Caucus running for President, and his decision allows other candidates to skip the debate without facing criticism that they are turning
their backs on a leading black institution. [Read the rest here.]

I wonder if he is purposely shunning Blacks or if he's just too cowardly to face the Fox news commentators like O'Reilly? Actually, I think it is wise that he doesn't face anyone with his debating skills or lack thereof. I'm just acknowledging the truth here based upon my own observations on the many occasions I have seen him interact with others.


  1. Rightie -

    Caring about the unborn but not caring about the born. Sad really.

    And about FOX, do you vote in Democratic primaries? So why the heck do you care about a FOX Democratic debate? righteous indignation.


    I like your Archangel graphic btw.

  2. You are making me laugh out loud! What a totally ridiculous comment! You really aren't very good at using words to insult people, are you? Your vocabulary skills seem to be at the same level of Obama's. Now I know why you didn't sign your name.

    As a Christian, I love all people - those unborn as well as the born - even people like you.

    I don't believe in killing innocent human beings and sucking their brains out like Obama does nor do I believe in putting women through the horrors of post-abortion syndrome. I know women who have been through these horrors.

    If you love people, you treat them with respect and dignity. You don't rip them apart limb by limb because you are concerned with your own self-gratification and obsessed with power, money, and greed.

    I'm happy that you like St. Michael, the Archangel.

    You are welcome to pray the prayer to St. Michael the Archangel:

    St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in the battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and the snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray and do thou, O prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust into Hell Satan and all evil spirits who prowl about the world, seeking the ruin of souls.

    You are in my prayers!

    God bless you!

  3. Obama is a puppet of the Demo(n)crat party - he can't think on his feet and is only good about giving canned speeches.

    He has no debating skills as he is too stupid to know what to say without the party telling him exactly what he is supposed to think. He is quite the idiot.

    Obamanation also has no respect whatsoever for human life and supports killing babies and women for money.

  4. Wow, Anonymous!

    You love Obama the baby killer!

    It's too bad he wasn't around when you were born.

  5. He seems very confused about many things to me, so I decided not to vote for him after I learned what a strong advocate of abortion and the gay lifestyle he is.

    Also, he doesn't have the experience in international diplomacy that we would expect from a president - he grasps at finding the right word to express his views in simple sentences and stutters a lot in his news interviews.

    In IL he is a stranger to his constituents. He has done nothing for the residents of IL.

    He sends his kids to private schools, but won't support the parochial schools - he tells everyone to send their children to the public schools.

    He supports PP teaching sex ed to kindergarten students.

    He's totally useless in public office.


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