They certainly don't look like twins, but they do seem to resemble one another in their pro-death statements. "Fake Catholics" is the term that best describes them, as they are phonies. True Catholics practice their beliefs. Politicians use double-talk, a language which most people with average intelligence and a conscience can decipher. Here are some examples:

Arnold Schwarzenegger: "I am a Catholic and a very dedicated Catholic, but that does not interfere with my decision-making because I know that stem-cell research, the way we are doing it in California ... is the right way to go and will save, very quickly down the line, lives and cure a lot of these illnesses."

Translation: Technically, I like to call myself Catholic, but I refuse to obey the Church on life issues. I support the destruction of human life and will continue to support harmful and unsuccessful research using your tax money to do it. It really doesn't matter how many people are used as guinea pigs in the process, just so I please the right people and stay in office.

Rudy Giuliani:"First of all, I do not get into debates with the Pope. That is not a good idea, and not just because I am a Catholic."

"I hate abortion, but ultimately, since it is an issue of conscience, I would respect a woman's right to make a different choice. "

Translation: I will continue to support it and the taxpayers will continue to pay for it. I will also continue my financial support of Planned Parenthood as your President. It doesn't matter how many innocent lives are destroyed in the process, just so I can please the right people so I can be elected to the Presidency.

LifeSite News.Com reports:

The supposedly "devout Catholic" Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger backed a $3 billion dollar public funding of embryonic stem cell research in his state. Last year the governor loaned up to $150 million dollars towards embryonic stem cell research.

Lawsuits challenging the public funding of the controversial research were filed by the California Family Bioethics Council, connected with Focus on the Family, as well as The National Association for the Advancement of Preborn Children (NAAPC).

On Wednesday, after the court rejected final objections to the distribution of funds, the Governor commented that this "reaffirms voters' will to keep California on the forefront of embryonic stem cell research. ... Potentially life-saving science can continue without a shadow of a legal doubt.

"Now that the lawsuits have been settled, as much as $300 million dollars worth of funds may be released towards research by the end of the year. The California Institute for Regenerative Medicine will distribute the funds according to government Proposition 71, the "Embryo Cloning and Stem-Cell Research Bond Act". (See coverage

Unlike adult stem cells, embryonic stem cell research has proved to have fruitless medical results. Terry Thompson, attorney for People's Advocate and the National Tax Limitation Foundation, told The San Francisco Chronicler, "This establishes a precedent for well-meaning but misdirected rich people to invade the public treasury for projects of their own and parlay a few million dollars (of campaign expenses) into a few billion dollars of wasted taxpayer money."

Todd Tambery, Spokesman the archdiocese of Los Angeles, Schwarzenegger's home diocese, told that while Archbishop Roger Mahoney has not indicated that that Schwarzenegger should be denied Holy Communion. According to Tambery, Cardinal Mahoney has however spoken out against embryonic stem cell research.

To Respectfully Voice Concerns:

The Los Angeles Diocese
3424 Wilshire Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90010-2202
213 637 7000

Governor Arnold Swcharzenegger's Office
State Capitol Building
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: 916-445-2841
Fax: 916-445-4633


  1. The unholy 'twins'! Good point! Unfortunately, niether lives in an area where there abhorrent views on abortion will cause problems for them.


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