Lenten Ideas for Children 2008

Give up one TV show or the radio or music for 30 minutes and spend that time helping a family member.
Give up something you enjoy doing today (like dessert or snacks) and spend 10 minutes praying for the needs of others.
Give up something you enjoy today (like dessert or snacks) and donate 25 cents to your Operation Rice Bowl box.
Give up buying something new (clothes, CD, magazine, jewlery) and donate 50 cents to your Operation Rice Bowl box.
Give up going to a movie or other fun activity and donate the money from this activity to your Operation Rice Bowl box or other people in need in your community.
Think about a bad habit you would like to change, like telling a lie, yelling at others, getting angry, putting people down, and choose to avoid that habit and do something positive instead.
Think about how often you fail to listen to your parents when they ask you do something. Resolve to listen to them and to obey them the first time they ask you to do something rather than making them remind you to do it again.
Think about someone you are angry with or who has hurt you. Ask God to give you the courage to forgive and pray for that person each day. Think about at least one thing that is good about them and remember that God loves them and wants you to do the same. Picture them with Jesus.
Share lots of smiles today.
Give a hug to everyone in your family.
Compliment each person in your family today.
Give up complaining, frowns, and negative thoughts today.
Pray the Our Father three times today -- in the morning when you get up, at noontime, and at bedtime.
Pray the Angelus with your family or by yourself three times today -- in the morning, at noon, and at suppertime.
Pray the family rosary or at least one decade with your family daily.
Say a prayer for someone who is sick today.
Pray for a forgiving heart and ask the people you have hurt to forgive you.
Participate in the Stations of the Cross during Lent.
Participate in the Sacrament of Reconciliation during Lent.
List three blessings you have been given. Say a prayer to God, giving thanks for each of those blessings.
Make a visit to the Blessed Sacrament and pray for those who are homeless. Think about ways you and your family might be able to help them.
Go through your closet and donate clothing you no longer wear, but are in good shape, to those in your community who are in need of clothing.
Show an act of kindness to a family member today.
Show an act of kindness to someone you don't like.
Do someone else's chores one day this week.
Ask your mom or dad how you can help them.
Write a letter or create a card for someone who is sick or lonely and deliver it to them.
Buy a can of food and donate to a food bank or a homeless shelter.
Save your money and buy some baby wipes to donate to a crisis pregnancy center. If you earn an allowance, save up your money and buy some diapers, baby bottles, or formula and donate it to a crisis pregnancy center.
Together, with your family, spend time serving others during Lent. Work at a soup kitchen or homeless shelter. Visit elderly people who are in nursing homes or shut-ins.
Talk with your family about eating one simple meal each week of Lent and putting the money you save in the Operation Rice Bowl box or giving the money to a crisis pregnancy center or to a soup kitchen or homeless shelter.
Patrents: Be sure to check out all the Lenten activities at CatholicMom.com, Catholic Kids, Catholic Culture, Domestic-Church.Com, Catholic Education Resource Center, and love2learn.net.
Excellent ideas:).
ReplyDeleteThankyou Jean:)
Peace to you:)
Wonderful suggestions..
ReplyDeleteThank you, Ladies. You are both very kind.
ReplyDeleteGod bless you!