Congratulations to the Palin Family on their first Grandchild!

I stand with the American Life League in extending my sincere congratulations to the family of Gov. Sarah Palin on the news that Palin's daughter Bristol will give birth to the family's first grandchild in December.

"Human life is always something to celebrate as a gift of infinite beauty and value," said ALL president Judie Brown. "Even under trying circumstances, a child has come into the world made in the image and likeness of God. The Palin family is to be congratulated on their first grandchild."

Bristol is an unmarried, 17-year-old high school senior. Her pregnancy announcement comes only months after her mother gave birth to Trig, who was diagnosed with Down syndrome."

The business of the pro-life movement is to show the world that every life is sacred," Brown said. "Bristol, like every scared and pregnant young girl, deserves our support and care. We applaud the Palin family for doing the right thing."

Palin announced that Bristol plans to marry the baby's father.

"Our beautiful daughter Bristol came to us with news that as parents we knew would make her grow up faster than we had ever planned," the Palins announced in a Sept. 1 statement.

"We're proud of Bristol's decision to have her baby and even prouder to become grandparents. As Bristol faces the responsibilities of adulthood, she knows she has our unconditional love and support."

"The Palin family has provided us with a beautiful example of accepting with gratitude and trust the challenges that come not only with caring for a child with Down syndrome, but also of welcoming an unexpected grandchild," said Brown. "The Palins, with their great love for the sanctity of life, provide a stark contrast to the enemies of life who view unplanned pregnancies as a tragedy and a curse instead of a blessing and gift."

Information Source: Katie Walker at ALL.


  1. I'm so thankful to find someone who has agreed with me! I just blogged about this a few minutes ago and then found your post.

  2. God Bless Bristol Palin, her baby,her fiance, her family and may He give them aid & confort as they embark on this new, amazing journey together.

    Once again, the Palins are the epitome of the Culture of Life...

    McCain-Palin 2008

  3. This is quite the contrast to the democratic position od abort, abort, abort....

    God Bless you Bristol and all the Palin family.


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