Chemical Attack On Pro-lifers At Abortion Clinic Sickens Two

Video tells of one woman who was hospitalized for four hours with vomiting, diarrhea, and swelling of the face and eyes.

Wichita, KS – Two pro-life volunteers participating in a round the clock prayer vigil were sickened last week, after being exposed to fumes from an oily substance that had been spilled across the driveway at George Tiller’s late-term abortion clinic, Women’s Health Care Services in Wichita.

One of the pro-lifers, Jennifer McCoy, was treated for four hours at a local hospital emergency room suffering from vomiting, diarrhea, and swelling of the face and eyes. Another woman, Brandi Lozier, was with McCoy praying outside the abortion clinic in the early morning hours of Sunday, November 2, 2008, as part of the 40 Days For Life event. She suffered similar symptoms, but was not hospitalized.

After numerous tests, doctors told McCoy that her symptoms were the result of exposure to a foreign substance, and were not related to any viral or bacterial infection.

Hazmat was called to the abortion clinic and treated the area with a kitty-litter type of substance in order to absorb the noxious oily spill.

After being released from the hospital, McCoy filed a complaint with the Wichita Police Department, but, a week and a half later, arrest and prosecution of the unknown perpetrator seems unlikely.

“We suspect that this chemical attack may have been in retribution for Jennifer’s help in documenting a botched abortion at Tiller’s clinic a few weeks ago,” said Operation Rescue spokesperson Cheryl Sullenger. Read the entire story.


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